Soul Intentions Read online

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Several weeks passed with Mario spending time with Barbara on a regular basis. She can be a very sweet person at times, but just as manipulative as sweet. She insisted on knowing why Mario never married or had children. Family seemed to be important to her.

  I had to admit it was becoming more difficult to remove myself as Mario and concentrate on my job of discovering if she had a soul worth stealing. My emotions for her were starting to cloud my judgment. With Johnny, it was easy. I never connected with Johnny on an emotional level like I had with Barbara. I considered Johnny a lost soul from day one of my assignment. He was lost in society, doing all he could to make a name for himself.

  Ultimately, he allowed his affections for Alexis get the better of him and paid the price with his soul. Maybe it was because I felt I needed to protect Alexis, removing Johnny’s soul was an easier task. Barbara could be quite charming. This was making me question my belief, should a soul ever be taken?

  The Council asked me to return to our compound. “Caeles, the High Council wants a current report about your latest subject. Why have you asked for delays in meeting with us?”

  "Elder Orcus, with all due respect to you and the Council, you have admitted even you have issues in seeing my subject’s true soul. I too am struggling to find her true spirit. One time we meet she is sensitive, warm and the most giving person you will find on earth. The next she can appear cold and calculating with little to no soul. I cannot stand before this Council and tell you with certainty she deserves to lose her soul."

  “Caeles, the Council recognizes the goodness in your soul. We consider that when we send you on assignments. However, your mission is not one of rehabilitation, but one of information gathering and if commanded, theft. Do not fight direct orders from this High Council. I would strongly suggest that you not deviate with any of your well intentioned, yet wrongheaded ideas. Our mission will never be to restore or rehabilitate. Our sole mission on earth is one of taking from those who have lost their way. Now, has your subject lost her way? We demand your thoughts on that one question. Any other thoughts you may have are inconsequential to me, or anyone else on this Council.”

  “I cannot say with any certainty. I beg that you offer me more time. I know you want an accurate and concise answer, but I am afraid I do not have one to offer.”

  “At times even some of our most experienced of stealers run across a difficult task. They possibly become too close to their subjects, and when the time to strike occurs, they can't and I must assign someone else. Other times they take the soul, but do so with a heavy heart. Do you want to continue this mission?”

  I knew I had to continue. I refused to have her soul removed in error. Standing strong in front of the Council was essential.

  “I will continue with the blessings of the Council. I understand my mission. I only ask that before heading back to Chicago, I can spend a few days with my family. I think some time with them will clear my mind.”

  “Time granted," Elder Orcus said. "However, you will return to us thirty days from today and the Council will make its final ruling. I now see darkness in her that was not as evident in the past. Should you feel the time is right to steal, you don't have to return to the Council. Take the soul."

  Once home, it was my mother, who offered words of wisdom and insight I had not previously considered.

  “Caeles, my dear child, you suffer because you are my son. There are days I believe your father could never learn the art of stealing because he loved me too much. Once that is in your heart, I'm not sure you can take another’s soul. I know the Council has shown great patience with you, as you are new to our ways."

  I nodded and continued to listen.

  Your great grandfather was one of the best soul stealers to ever live, until he met your great grandmother. Then he lost the ability. A woman has the ability to change a man and most times, the man is not aware. I will never know if I'm correct about your father, but I don't regret his love for me."

  Her best advice followed.

  Be who you are in life. Don't allow others rule you, and don't allow others to tell you when something is right when you know it's wrong in your heart. One day, I will tell you more about your family’s past, but for now, go find your way in this world. If this woman is evil, then do what you must to make it right. Have no regrets, Caeles, I don’t. I made my choices many years ago.”

  After a long weekend with my mother and father, I took the plane ride back to Chicago. Before Mario returned to Barbara, Mr. Amison paid a short visit to check on Alexis.

  “How is everything going with your new boss and song writing Alexis?”

  “Mr. Sheffler is a very kind and generous man. He went back to his home country for a few weeks so the office has been quiet. He signed two new acts and in case you didn’t notice, one of my songs was in the top ten on the charts for four whole weeks. I'm so excited.”

  “How’s Johnny been doing since I left?”

  “I can’t explain it, Mr. Amison. It's like he was castrated or something. He has no energy, little desire to sing and without Clive, the band is falling apart. Mr. Sheffler is working to find a new bandleader and has spoken with John many times, but he's lifeless now. I don’t know if he misses Clive or if he had anything to do with Clive’s murder, but the time I saw him, he was muttering over and over how much he missed Clive and wanted a do over. I asked him what he meant and he would only tell me that everyone gets a second chance and he wished he could have his. He said it with such a scary blank stare. I went to their show here in town last week and John was not himself. I would never marry him, but I sure wish he could find the old John. At times, he was a joy to be with.”

  “Miracles happen every day, Alexis. Maybe one day it will be Johnny’s turn to find his miracle and have his soul returned.”

  “Wow, that’s exactly right, Mr. Amsion. I couldn't put it into words until now, but John lost his soul. I pray that one day he finds it.”

  “Like I said my sweet, Alexis, miracles do happen.”

  After a brief visit with Alexis, Mario returned. I was a bit out of practice with my British accent, but returning to my Italian one was even harder. Staying in character at times becomes an issue when I speak quickly. My accents at times overlap, so normally I chalk it up to having spent time all around Europe. Barbara questioned me on it one time. She is not nearly as easy to fool as Johnny or even Alexis. I was constantly on guard with Barbara.

  Three days after Mario returned; he received a call from Barbara. She offered to make him lunch at her home. Richard was away at a high school reunion. She had missed his company and wanted to ask him a question. Mario, well, I, accepted.

  “Mario, even though our relationship to this point has been about business I do think our friendship has grown to the point where I can ask you a question, don’t you?”

  “Si, ask away.”

  “Tell me one last time why you don’t have a family?”

  “My work has never allowed for it, or maybe, I have never found the right person. Why do you ask? Are you applying for the job as my wife and make babies with me?”

  Barbara laughed. “No, Richard and I are quite happy together. Sure, we've had our rough patches, but most do. Don’t they?”

  “I would not know, since I do not have a wife, but I had my moments of disagreements with mio padre. I would assume it is close to the same. Tell me, why do you not have any children since you seem so interested in my lack of offspring?”

  "I'll answer your question, but first I want you to eat this wonderful fish I cooked for you. I made it special, for you. I didn’t want to take the chance you'd leave town again before I could make this special meal for you.”

  “I am not a fish eater, but since this is likely our last meal together, for you, I will eat it.”

  “What do you mean our last meal? Why would you suggest such a thing Mario?”

  “When we met Barbara, I told you that I do not make a habit of enjoying meals or much of anything else with other men�
��s wives. I allowed my guard to be down with you, and it has cost me. I was not sure of my decision until now. But knowing you are making me this lovely fish as my meal has made my decision easier.”

  Barbara frowned and reached for Mario's hand, but he refused to accept. “I don’t understand. We've never touched lips, or made any gestures to each, other than a simple flirtation once or twice. This all seems a bit sudden. But if you insist, then I too realize this is the perfect meal for you.”

  “Ok, I will enjoy this last lunch with you but before I do, I need to make one call. I will be right back. Put the meal on the table and I will only be a minute.”

  Barbara carefully made sure the deadliest part of the fish, the liver, was front and center on the plate, ready to eat. She sat in her chair, Mario returned.

  “Mangiare, is that not what your mother told you at the table Mario? Eat up my dear friend, and I will explain to you my story and why I ask so many questions.”

  I began to eat the salad, then a few nibbles of the fish when Barbara started to tell her story.

  “I see happy couples with their children every day. Ever since I was a young girl, I wanted to have a large family. I cry myself to sleep most nights now knowing I am likely never to have children of my own. Richard and I have looked into adopting, but they wouldn't have come from my womb. I want one from me, mine, my flesh and blood. I feel in some way I'm being punished and the price I pay is my barren womb. I'm being punished because of my acts in the past and the one I am about to commit. I'm evil, Mario.”

  I sat quietly. Barbara took notice.

  “Richard and I have tried for many years to have a family of our own. I've spoken to my doctor about it and he believes it's because of mine and Richard’s stress levels. He also changed my diet, since his tests proved I'm borderline diabetic. The doctors have all their theories, for me, I know evil has entered my soul.”

  Barbara looked deeply into my eyes, a frightened, broken woman. I wanted to fix her, to tell her that all would be right in the world. That she would have children of her own one day, but I knew that day had passed. She spoke the truth. I could see the evil in her, despite the tears pouring from her eyes. I sat motionless not knowing what to do at that moment.

  “I have a paper I want you to sign. It leaves your winery to your beloved employees. You know the ones, who are your family, but not your real children. Much of your money will be left to one of my charities. I set up a few children’s charities around town, and when I find money from despicable men like you, I give it to the children."

  I sat wondering how I could have been so foolish in misjudging Barbara. She deserved to lose her soul. However, I permitted her to continue.

  "Do you think I care about your money, Mario? Hardly. I'm a smart woman, and can make my own money. In case you haven't noticed, my husband does very well. I don’t need or want your money. No, I want to steal it and award it to the children who have lost their families in tragic accidents. I despise men like you, who could give a child a beautiful home. You have all the power and resources to offer them, but you're too busy working with your investments, or landscaping or wineries. I've seen so many like you who come to my husband’s office. They complain about how busy they are with work and can’t afford time to find a wife and make a family. Now sign the paper and I'll make your pain goes away, you horrible man.”

  She took Mario's hand and helped him sign the paper. She continued with her rant about how men, who have the resources, and won’t father a child, are the lowest forms of creature on earth. It was now clear why Elder Orcus could not see her for who she was fully, nor could I. I wanted to see the good in her, but when this side of her was exposed, I could not walk away and allow her to continue murdering innocent men. I allowed her to release all her venom in my direction before speaking.

  “I am not who you think I am, Barbara. I do one day intend on having children, but it will be on my time schedule, not yours. I have much longer to father a child than you think and one day it will happen. However, thank you for telling me your story. I will no longer feel badly about what must be done.”

  Barbara’s jaw dropped, her eyes widened, as I as Mario took another gulp of the fish. "Could you pass the tartar sauce please, I do enjoy it when I eat fish. I will admit though, I have never eaten the Fugu fish.

  Barbara sat wide-eyed as Mario continued.

  "Detective Nesstor was informed by a man, who owns a Japanese restaurant downtown, that he has been selling the same fish to someone fitting your description. Only this woman wears a blonde wig. No one from the Chicago police force knew the fish was poison and leaves people to suffocate, yet once rigor mortis sets in, it can be very difficult for the local doctors to detect. I have to applaud you in your efforts."

  "How can you still be talking?" Barbara asked.

  "We will get to that. You did a wonderful job hiding your crimes. The detective told me he researched the charities the men left their money, and nowhere do any papers have your name on them. He told me the attorney you have been using to set up your charities, gave you up. It seems lawyer do not jail time."

  "Rat, bastard," Barbara said as Mario went on.

  "Me, I think using your old law firm’s letter head was where your plan started to unwind. To have two of the men as clients of your husband’s, and all the Wills signed by the same notary, foolish my dear. The worst part of it all, besides those senseless killings of course, is that I really wanted to believe you were a good person. I cannot tell you how much it is going to pain me in what I must now do.”

  “How, how is it you are not suffocating like the others? I watched them all die in front of me. You, you looked motionless for a time and now you sit here and act as if you never took one mouthful. I watched you eat it. Why aren't you suffering?”

  “I pity you for what you are about to lose, besides your freedom. Oh, it must have never come up in conversation, but that Detective I told you about earlier, Nesstor, he is sitting outside the front door waiting to enter as soon as I call for him. Anyway, back to your question. One of the Wills you left behind, I believe his name was Carl something, anyway, there was a partial fingerprint on that paper they could not identify. The Detective has been watching me, watching you, imagine that. He approached me the other day while I was leaving a downtown office. He thought I was some bigwig record company executive, because I was coming from their office, too funny. Well, he then asked me if I had anything that might have your fingerprints on them. When I asked why, he started in with all kinds of questions about how I knew you, or if you have ever invited me over for a Japanese fish dinner. I told him no, but I would call him if you ever did."

  "But you ate the damn fish."

  "Yes I did. So, I called Nesstor earlier. He told me he would be outside the door waiting for you to serve me the meal and see if you had me sign a document. I cannot express how sorry I am that he is correct in his assumptions about you. He told me under no circumstances to eat the fish, only act as if I did, but I am not a good actor, and I was hungry. Before I call for the Detective, one last thing I will tell you. It seems I have a rare blood form, it is nearly impossible for me to get ill from poisons or even get the common cold. Can you imagine, never getting the flu in your entire life? I called my father and had him look up the toxin found in the Fugu fish. You can never be too careful you know. It seems I am immune from that one too. The good detective told me if you were serving the Fugu fish you meant to kill me. Again, it pains me to think what happened to you and what I must do to you.”

  Barbara let out a loud screech and Nesstor and two other officers came charging through the door. I had to dodge a swipe of the knife that she attempted to stick in my belly before the officers could reach her. My reflexes were excellent for a man over fifty.

  “Detective, I think we had an agreement if I helped you with Barbara.”

  "We did. Take your photograph.”