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Soul Intentions Page 12
Soul Intentions Read online
Page 12
“Caeles Novo, you have broken our most sacred of laws. You took a soul not authorized by this Council. Each stolen soul has a purpose. Do you have any words to defend your actions?”
Peering up and the men on the Council made me uneasy. "It was done on impulse, Elder Orcus. Nothing more. Someone I cared was about being hurt and I reacted poorly. I was protecting my own body as well as the woman I was attempting to save. I will be more careful in the future.”
“Everyone on this Council understands who we are as a people. We fully understand our beginnings as purely human form and realize those emotions still run deep inside every one of us. I do have empathy for your situation, but that is not an excuse. You have signed on for a life of taking only in extreme situations. There are enough of these cases still on earth so we do not need to take from common criminals, only people who lost their way. We can't stop you from living your life, but we can punish you when you break our laws because of your emotions. Do you have any more words before I sentence you?”
"Yes, Elder Orcus. I would like you to search for Kalu Kapena. If he needs his soul to be taken, I would beg the Council that I am the one to steal it.”
“Kapena has already been marked and someone has been assigned. You are to stay away from this man. Your next assignment will come after your punishment. It will not be Kapena. He has an experienced agent of ours, who already has the Council’s orders to remove his soul. Under no circumstances are you to take his soul, is that understood?”
With a disappointed tone I replied, “Yes, Elder.”
“Good, now as for your punishment, you're to stay here with us for one week. You're forbidden contact with the outside world and are forbidden to utter a sound to anyone for any reason during that time. You will spend that week reading our laws, until they burn into your brain. This mistake will never happen again. After you say yes to my command, it will be the last syllable you utter for one week. For every word you speak, your time will be extended another week. Do I make myself clear?”
“You will now be taken to your quarters. Food and water will be supplied, but if you so much as even pretend to say thank you or look at whom is delivering your meals, your time will be extended. You will read, and then you will read more. Now, leave our presence. I hope for your sake, you will be permitted to return to the outside world in only one week’s time.”
Being in solitude didn't bother me. Not being able to contact Kalani, that bothered me. What could she be thinking? We were developing a relationship and I disappear. I was helpless to help her with Kapena or to tell her I needed to travel on short notice.
My space consisted of one room with a bed, a chair and one light. I was able to walk outside for sunlight and feel nature during the day, but my short path ended with a large wall. I could walk for about five minutes in any direction from my room, until I reached a wall or others who I knew I had to avoid. It was easier to sit in my room.
I fulfilled my punishment. I read our laws. Then I read them again. A crusty old book filled with hundreds of pages, it was written in Latin. The first two times while reading the pages, I glided over them with my mind closed to the words since I had read the book many times in my training. I could almost recite what each word on each page, before I flipped to the next.
However, the third time, I actually read the words carefully. A small verse jumped out at me that I could swear was never in my edition of the book. One small line sat in the middle of all the other rulings deep inside the books pages.
It stated. “No creature or human large or small shall remain without a soul for more than the time deemed necessary to replenish and restore.” It made no sense to me. There was no mention of restoring souls anywhere else in the book or in any of my training. No one had ever told me that this was even possible. One line now had all my attention. Was our mission to take and restore long ago? Was this only in print because originally, that was the goal, but the powers were never granted?
The remaining three days under probation were horrible for me. I could not speak to anyone or ask questions about what I had read. Did I want to discuss this with anyone on the Council? Were they hiding something from our past? Was it nothing but words on a page that meant nothing? These questions churned in my brain until solitary confinement was not something I aspired to do again. I wanted out of this place badly, yet I wanted to know the answer to my questions.
Anyone who passes certain aptitude skills early in our training to steal souls were brought to the compound for six months of extensive training and education. My father once told me, “only about fifty percent will finish the six months of training and be taken to the compound.”
Training at the compound involved mental, survival and physical skills to evaluate if I was ready to advance. I hadn't forgotten that time in my life. However, to me, it was another six months before reaching what I considered our highest honor. I recalled visiting a library, during my training at the compound.
Occasionally, I had no choice but to visit the small room at the end of the hallway. It is close to the living quarters of Elder Orcus. I decided my punishment didn't preclude me from visiting the library as long as I didn’t look or speak to anyone. I needed to scour the library, to check and see, if there were any more books that mentioned restoration.
There was not need to avoid security guards. The few in the compound were allowed to take your soul our homeland came under attack.
Long after nightfall, I found my way into the library. I wasn't sure how many were in the compound, but I knew I had to move rapidly. The problem was that I was not sure if what I was looking for even existed. I spent as much time as I could flipping through old parchments and tired books, but could not find anything written about restoration. The only thing I did notice on one of the parchments was it seemed the numbers ran sequentially, with one page missing. But in reading from one page to the next there did not seem anything missing from the text. I left not knowing any more than I did when I entered.
“Your punishment has ended, Caeles. Your next assignment is on the table inside the library. It seems you know how to find your way there. David Blake is your subject. He's a rogue CIA agent, who left Viet Nam and has been suspected of executing business executives and top officials around the globe. We suspect that he has killed at least three men, possibly more. No one knows where he is right now. From what the report will tell you, he constantly changes his appearance. My sources tell me that the United States government will not admit he exists, but I know from reliable sources he is on the government kill list if sighted. He is very dangerous and under no circumstances are you to put yourself in jeopardy. His soul is as dark and ruined as I have seen in many years, Caeles. His high school yearbook photo is in the library as well as a copy of a report we had our internal source steal from inside the CIA. You don’t need the Council’s permission any more than you have now to steal on sight. Only be positive of your target, he is hard to identify. Good luck, now go.”
The report had listed one man suspected of being killed by Blake in California. Since the California execution was the closest to Hawaii, yet not exactly along my way, it would be foolish to tempt the Council so soon, but then again, Elder Orcus did tell me they really didn't know where to find him. I assumed Honolulu was as good of a place to start as any.
“I am so sorry to leave so quickly, Kalani. My work detained much longer than I was expecting. Can I make it up to you and take you out for a nice dinner?”
Kalani stood with crossed arms, but with a wrinkle of a smile. “Do you really think you can leave for almost two weeks with no word, and show up on my door step with that sad face and expect me to believe you couldn't contact me? At least one simple, hey sorry, I had to leave town, but I'll see you soon.”
“I don’t know what to say, I really don’t. Sometimes my work takes me places I was not expecting for longer than I want, without a way of communicating. I swear, had I been able to contact you, I would have.”
“What kind of job is this again, Cale? You told me that you are some kind of free spirit and that you go where you think you're needed. I don’t need liars and free spirits in my life. I need a man who doesn't disappear the moment I'm injured. What happened, were you afraid the big man who you had to take a picture of would come looking for you and your silly camera?”
“Trust me, Kalani. That man is no threat to me, and that was not my reason for leaving. I know, I know, I so wish I could have let you know I would be away. I am so sorry. Please, let me take you out for nice evening and I will try to make it up to you.”
“My job takes me strange places too, Cale, but it really hurt that you ran when I was in trouble.”
“Stop right there. I was never running from you. I was called away by someone very important. I was not expecting to be away this long. Honest and truly, if there was a way of contacting you, I would have.”
“I will go out with you, Cale, on one condition. You tell me exactly where you had to go and why they kept you. Tell me and I will go. If not, please don’t bang on my door ever again.”
“Kalina, I want to tell you. I want to tell you all I know. I do. However, if I tell you, it will ruin our relationship. In time, I will tell you everything, but for now you have to trust that I could not contact you. Please be understanding and offer me the benefit of the doubt, this one time.”
“I have enough mystery in my own life, Cale. I'm sorry but I don’t need yours, and I am not into handing out benefits. Good bye.”
I sat on her doorstep for hours. I wanted to bang on that door, but what would I tell her? Hello, Kalani. I travel the world stealing souls by taking photographs. I'm expected to live another two hundred years, and I answer to a High Council in a place I am unable to disclose to you. The Council held me captive in our compound and I couldn't speak to anyone for a week as a punishment because I took a photo of your attacker so that he would stop hitting you with that bat. In doing so, the reason he looked like he had a heart attack was because I took his soul and for that, I was being punished. I decided to sit feeling like a broken-hearted fool than tell that story.
While sitting there, I could feel her eyes piercing through my back as she peered from her window, but she never came back outside. I never turned to look. Eventually, I left assuming it was the last time I would see her. Maybe my life is too complicated for a lover. And now, I was chasing a man, who I didn't know what he looked like, where he was on earth, or where he may be next. I didn't want to end up losing my right to steal souls and let everyone down, who relies on me, including my own family. I needed to walk away and never return.
My first stop was Los Angeles, California to gather information on the most recent murder by Blake. The CIA report noted the deceased was the CEO of a weapons company used by the United States military. My identity changed to FBI agent John Latens. It wasn't easy to get credentials, but who knew the FBI and the CIA didn't always share information. Our contact inside the CIA, not only got us a copy of Blake’s report, but smuggled information to an FBI friend, in exchange for a set of fake credentials for me. They were in the package with my report. I knew whoever got us the fake credentials, knew his Latin since the word “latens” means “hidden or unknown.” I found it quite amusing he chose that name for me.
The other thing that I came to discover was that the LAPD did not like the boys from the FBI looking into their cases. The lead detective on the case was Patrick Wilson. His courtesy towards me was uglier than his terrible suit and overweight physique.
“Listen close, Special Agent Latens. This is my case. I'll be the one slapping the bracelets on whoever did this, not some shiny suit from Washington. Do you understood? If so, nod once. Otherwise, get your ass out of my office. The only reason I'm tolerating the stench of your fancy cologne in my space, is because the Chief once worked for you boys back in the day, and he told me to play nice.”
“Thank you kindly for all your hospitalities, Detective. I give you my word, should I find this fellow before you, the first call will be to you, so that as you say, you can slap the bracelets on him.”
“Now why would a big shot Bureau man like you want to give up a high profile collar to me?”
“My mission is to have the perpetrator atone from his sins, not make a name for myself. In fact, I would prefer my name not be mentioned in your report, once we do bring him to justice. However, I would like to be there to take a photo for my records, when he is booked. If you give me a head’s up after you and your men are in place for the arrest, I will update you if I should find him first. Can we agree on that?”
“I've been around too long and trust few men, so I'm not agreeing to anything just yet. One last question, Latens? How come you aren't carrying a gun?”
“Who says I am not carrying what I need to carry out my mission? Like I said, Detective, if you cooperate with me, you will be the arresting officer, should he be arrested in your town, not me.”
“What makes you think he’s left this town, Latens?”
“Tell me what you do know, Detective, and I will tell you why I do not think he is anywhere near California right now.”
Wilson frowned. “The hit was on a gun manufacturer VP. He was in town visiting friends. He was shot in the head while getting in his car leaving a nightclub, just before two a.m. There were no witnesses and no one heard gunfire. The bullet is from an AK 47, one of the new long range types.”
“Does that not tell you it was done by a trained killer, Detective? Possibly military? The killer knew his trade. My guess is that this was a paid hit. If so, the killer is a pro. I pro would never stay around. I'm not telling you something you do not know, so stop playing games with me.”
After leaving the long time detective Wilson, I went to the murder scene looking for evidence. Wilson had showed me the photos taken the morning after the crime. The angle the bullet came from behind the victim. There were a line of trees and bushes behind where Wilson believes the deceased was standing when shot.
It had been a month since the crime. I wasn't expecting to find much, but I did. Lodged in some mud, next to a large rock rested a shell casing. I wondered how the detectives could have missed it. I didn't know if it would match the deadly bullet, but I took it to Wilson as a sign of goodwill. It broke the ice with Wilson. He parted with more information.
“We think this guy is ex-military too," he said. "You aren't the first Federal agent to come wandering into my office. You boys must want this guy bad. In fact, one of you Feds offered up the name David Blake and showed me a photo taken from his military file. You all are sending a lot of top guys in here trying to find this nut job. I'm figuring he's anted for more than this one killing.”
“I can’t tell you that with any certainty, Detective, but it is assumed this was at least his third shooting. Washington is putting a lot heat on us to find Blake, assuming he's our man.”
“Why Blake? What makes you Feds think this is the guy who’s doing all the killing?”
I needed Wilson on my side, so I returned his information with my own. “All I can tell you is that at least three murders were done with the same rifle, the same one Blake was trained on before heading off to Viet Nam and all three happened after he went missing. No one is certain that Blake is responsible, but the first person murdered was a US diplomat, who was in Saigon when he was shot. Blake worked in Saigon at the same time, but went missing five days after the murder. The next was a US General who was on leave in Japan and then the dead gun maker. All three were involved in escalating the Viet Nam conflict. Blake is a highly skilled marksman, who was trained for missions just like these murders.”
Wilson rubbed his chin and nodded. “Thanks for the intel, Latens. None of the other Feds gave up much more than a name and a photo. I assumed Blake was wanted for more than this murder, but no one would tell me."
I turned to look for the exit when Wilson kept talking.
"Since you seem to be keeping your word on updating me, I'll tel
l ya something I didn't tell your other Fed pals. We had a tip yesterday from an anonymous caller, stating Blake was in a hotel room not far from where that murder happened. I have no idea why they called here. We haven't made any statement to the press or released any names. It's odd Blake was mentioned by name staying in that dump. I’ve had my men sitting on the place since the call, but they haven't seen anyone come or go since. The office manager says by the picture we showed him, that it could be Blake, but he wasn't certain. Now, if try to enter that room, my cheery personality ends. Are we clear?”
“We are clear, Detective. Like I have told you more than once, I only want to see the man for identification purposes before he is shipped off to jail, nothing more. I have zero interest in bringing him in, nor will I stand in your way of arresting him.”
“You ain’t really a regular FBI, Latens?”
“I am as interested in justice as you, Detective Wilson. Mine is let’s say, more spiritual than physical. I’ll tell you what, I won’t even ask for the name of the hotel as long as you promise to call me if you see him coming or going from the room. If you call this number and leave a message, someone will get it to me. Thank you for your time Detective.”
Originally, I had planned on heading to Japan to get information on the second murder, but with the possibility of Blake actually still being in the area, I thought I would stay put.
While waiting around in town, I contacted a few old classmates of Blake and his family to see if anyone could offer some insight as to where he might be, or why he might have gone AWOL. It was a mixed bag of reactions, but the two things that did stand out were that his father told me he was a history buff. The younger Blake read all he could about history and wars. The second thing that friends stated was that he always wanted to live near the beach, any beach. So maybe he was still in California, or maybe he knew if he tried to leave the country, he would be stopped.