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Soul Intentions Page 13

“She cries for you. Go to her. Wake now, Caeles. She cries out in need. ”

  Four nights in a row, I awoke from the same dream. He had returned, the mysterious man, who had appeared in my past, and now nightly in my dreams. He was hovering over my bed, watching me as I opened my eyes.

  He begged me to help someone. I saw myself, in my dream, lying in my bed with the unidentified man hovering over me. He had long white hair, with a hint of the color of pearl, and a long flowing white robe floating in mid-air, attempting to wake me with his words.

  The curtains in the window rustled, yet the window was closed. His words replayed several times in my dream.

  “Wake now, Caeles. Time is running out. Go today, or she will die.”

  I sat up in bed, now fully awake. The curtains calmed. No one else was in the room. I tried to focus my eyes. In the mirror, across the room was a faint image of the same man as in my dreams. He was holding Kalani in his arms, only she looked haggard. The light in her eye faded. I heard his voice shout at me, “Go to her. She is dying a slow death.” I rubbed my eyes hoping to get a better view. The image disappeared.

  It was past nine in the morning. I rarely sleep that long. I called Detective Wilson. His men had entered Blake's suspected the motel room, but no one was there. However, he told that there were signs of recently eaten food. They never bothered to watch the back door of the motel. Whoever was staying there, was coming and going through a back door for days.

  I called Kalani’s home number, but no answer. It was now past six in the morning in Hawaii, but she usually started her bike ride promptly at six. It wasn't surprising that she didn't answer.

  I paced my room for hours trying to make sense of my dream and the vision. I then switched thoughts wondering how they never knew there was a back door at the hotel and if Blake was ever there. I wanted to believe Blake was close, but it could have been anyone staying in the room.

  Wilson said his crew dusted for prints. Had Blake been in the room, he would have seen the police out front. I called Kalani again. No answer. I remembered her agent’s name and called that office number.

  A friendly female voice answered. “We're sorry, but we can't give out personal information about our clients over the telephone.”

  I was torn between my duty, and someone, who last time we spoke, wouldn't even allow me to pass the shadow of her front door. However, I couldn't take another night of dreams. I informed Detective Wilson that I was leaving town for a few days and begged him to call me if they found evidence of David Blake still in the area. I wasn't convinced he would since his men entered the room without any advanced warning as he promised. His excuse was that his men thought they heard a shot fired. Whatever. Good thing Orcus and the Council didn't remove souls for lying.

  I grew weary of the waiting game with Blake. I sent my report to the Council, so they knew I was on the case, but told them I had to travel to Honolulu. My mind would not allow me to rest until I knew Kalani was out of harm’s way. I had to see her beautiful face unharmed, before I could rest easy.

  Her small home looked vacant. I walked around it until a male came out from the house next door and began quizzing me.

  “I am looking for Kalani Inoke. I am a friend of hers, and I am worried something has happened. Have you seen her recently?”

  “Kalani hasn't been home in over two weeks. She travels a lot, so it's not unusual for her to not be around. If you are her friend, then you'd know she comes and goes without much warning.”

  “Are you her neighbor she spoke about, who works for the Honolulu police? The one who is a detective?”

  He stared me down before responding. “Yeah, who is asking?"

  “I am her friend Cale. I know she was looking into a dangerous man, Kalu Kapena. I am afraid something may have happened to her. She was attacked by one his men a few weeks ago.”

  “Kalani's a smart girl. She can handle herself and what do you know about Kapena?”

  It was my turn to size up the man in my presence. He looked two shades under six foot, with dark features. He wore a gun and holster hanging for all to see.

  Do I remember Kalani telling me that your name is Paulo Kopona?" I asked.

  "It's not a national secret who I am," he said with a smirk. "What did she tell you about Kapena and why he any of your business?"

  "I know he is a suspected smuggler of women. Kalani was working on a story about prostitution and smuggling on this island and maybe other places. I know Kapena has a dark soul and needs a spiritual makeover before he hurts her and others.”

  “Mr. Cale, let me offer you a word or two of advice. Stay away from Kapena and Kalani. We know all about him and his operations, the police are getting close to locking him up for a long time. If you know her, as you say, then you know she's been watching him. However, right now, she'ss likely on one of the other islands taking her photographs for clients. She dashes off on assignments all the time.”

  “Yes, she told me, but did she leave any notes, or say good bye, or ask you to watch her house? I don’t notice her bicycle anywhere, do you? It seems odd that it is not against the wall in her house. If she was gone for work, why is her bike missing?”

  “After her accident on the road, it was sent to be repaired, maybe it's not back yet. I don’t know. All I do know is that I'm late for work and you shouldn't ask so many questions. If you were really her close friend, you would know these answers. I don't want to see you here when I return, or I'll have you locked up for trespassing.”

  My body was exhausted. I had barely slept in five nights. I checked into a local hotel. I had another dream. This time the man had his arms around Kalani, but she was barely clothed. There were hands reaching for her. Her hair had lost its luster.

  “She is close, Caeles. Wake up.”

  I rose from my bed, sweat was pouring down my unshaven face. I was trembling. A voice shouted at me.

  "She is close Caeles. Seek her now.”

  “Where, where is she? Tell me now,” I yelled back. My mind raced with thoughts about where she might be. I remembered the nightclub that Kalani showed me from high on the hill, where some of the girls would be taken to dance at night. It was near Pearl Harbor, not far from where I was staying. I looked at the clock and it was just past one in the morning. I rushed to put on some clothes and made my dash to the nightclub.

  The room was dark, full of smoke. Sailors filled the barstools. There were two lights shining down in the center of the bar on a small square platform, with a long pole, and single dancer twisting and curving her body around it.

  As I moved closer to the stage, my eyes wandered around the room, searching for any clues of Kalani. An old man with a foul stench yelled at the stage, “Take it all off, whore.”

  I looked to see, whom he was yelling at. It was Kalani. All I could see was sadness dancing on the platform. Her dancing pace quickened. She tossed her top, as the men hooted for more. Kalani resembled a shell of her former beauty. She didn't show any marks on her body from being beaten, but as I stared into her eyes, I could tell she was mentally shattered. She wasn't the same defiant and confident woman, who refused to allow me in her home.

  I lingered in the area for her routine to be over. I then followed her over to where she left the stage. “Kalani, what have they done to you,” I cried to her. As she turned to look at me, a huge man with a barrel chest and forearms the size of my thighs pushed me aside.

  “No talking with the performers,” the brute said. I tried to get closer, but was pushed to the floor. “Touch her, and I slit your throat, asshole.”

  I didn’t know what to do. She was escorted to another room, with only one door and no windows. I went outside to see if maybe they would take her out through a back door at closing time.

  I waited about an hour when finally a truck pulled up with two men inside. Two minutes after they arrived, the back door opened and five women in bathrobes and another man walked out of the door. I rushed to get close, but was beaten back. Kalani offe
red me a nothing but a blank stare. They piled the girls into the truck and were gone.

  After daybreak, I went to Kalani’s neighbor Kopono to tell him I had witnessed in the nightclub. “She needs our help. Please send in the police to get her away from these criminals. I am sure they have done something to her. I saw her up close. They have taken her against her will. I am sure of it.”

  “Mr. Cale, I warned you to stay away. She is likely working an angle to get closer to Kapena. We are under direct orders from our boss not to go inside. All I will say is that we have one man working the case from the inside. I'm sure if she was in danger he would know. We've been working this case for two years. Don't do anything to disrupt our investigation."

  Since he would not help me, I turned to Kalani’s father. I had met his once at Kalani's house when she was healing with her leg. He was a handsome man, who appeared to be in late forties. His clean-shaven look fit his profession.

  “My daughter does work you would not understand, Cale. She's a rare person, trained in many skills. I'm sure they haven't harmed her.”

  “What is it with everyone?" I asked. "Doctor Inoke, I can assure you that your daughter is in need of our help. I am trained in ways you would not understand either, and I am telling you that your daughter is in serious trouble. Who knows how long she will even remain on this island. She is in the hands of a dangerous smuggler. She could be being shipped off this island at any time. Please, go see for yourself.”

  “I have someone, who handles incidents like this for me. I'll go with him tonight and see if she is in any danger. If so, we'll get her back. If I think she is working undercover for her work, and wants us to leave her, then we'll not involve ourselves in her affairs. Like I've told you, she sometimes puts herself in harm's way. Yes, I know all about Kapena and the threats he makes on my family. He is of little concern to me."

  “Doctor, I know you don’t know me well, but I know when a person has lost their desire to live or cannot function properly. That is your daughter right now. I will get her from those people with or without your help."

  “I'll be there tonight to see if I believe she's in any danger, Cale. Do not touch her until I can see my daughter.”

  I went back to my hotel wondering what was wrong with these people. Kalani was in obvious need of help and no one, not even her own father wanted to believe me. I tried to sleep, but every time I would get close to sleeping that voice would be in head.

  “She cries inside, save her.” I knew something had to be done, but running around snapping photos wasn't the answer. It would only land me in the compound for a very long time or worse. Was I missing something? Was it all an act by her to get closer to Kapena’s network?

  I went back inside the club the next evening to be sure Kalani was dancing again. She was. Again, there was little life or spirit in her eyes. Again, I tried to get close after she came off stage, only to be warded off by the same huge man from the previous night. I did all I could to gain eye contact with her.

  “Look, fool, I told you last night to back off, next time you won’t walk out of this building alive.”

  The more I thought about what they had done to that woman, the more furious I became. I felt as alone as Kalani must have felt inside.

  I waited outside for the pickup truck to arrive. I sat out of sight waiting for the back door to open. I wanted a clear view of Kalani. The truck arrived. Minutes seemed like hours, finally the door opened. There was about twenty feet between the door and the truck on a dirt lot. As the back door closed, I lit the fuse and sent rags full of gasoline onto the back of the truck.

  I lit the fuse on the ground and watched the flames engulf the truck. The two people inside the vehicle were in ring of fire. There was one man on the outside of the fire and before he knew what was going on, I slugged him as hard as I could with a baseball bat across his back. The two in the truck ran from the fire and truck. One was on fire. I grabbed Kalani and started to run. Her high heels were preventing her from running. I stopped and ripped off her shoes. She went limp and fell into my arms.

  “Come on, Kalani," I said. "I need you to focus for only a few minutes. Please hold my hand and run with me. As we struggled to reach the front of the building, I was about to toss her in my car when another car almost ran us over.

  “Get in now.” Gunshots rang out. I shoved Kalani into her father’s car. Inside the car was a man shooting back at the men shooting at us. One of the bullets hit me in the leg as I shoved Kalani into the back seat.

  “I told you not to go near her, Cale, her father said as we sped away. "However, I'm thankful you did. After we saw her on stage, we knew we had to act. She's safe now, that’s all that matters. I didn't see you inside, or I would have warned you. I have some place safe to take you both. They'll be looking for you and my daughter. Kapena won't take kindly to the mess you created outside his club.”

  Kalina’s father took us to a small home on the other side of the island. After only a few minutes, he knew.

  “She's been turned into a heroin addict. They have poisoned her with this garbage. I know I can heal her, but she still needs to go through some withdrawals like any other addict. I cannot tell you why, Cale, but heroin's one of the few toxins that can destroy my daughter. She's immune to most earthly drugs. However, in a few days I can make her whole again. I can fix your leg too. It's not serious.”

  Not serious? Maybe he would have liked to change places with me, as he removed the slug and stitched up my leg. I didn’t want to tell him that I healed faster than an average human. It would be healed in less than a week, but I didn’t want him to know. Then again, I had never been shot before, so I was only going on what I had been taught. Then I considered what he meant by Kalani not reacting to most drugs.

  For the first time in a week, I had no dreams to wake me. I awoke several hours later on the floor, watching Kalani sweat and become very anxious. She begged her father to make it all stop, but he pressed her to be strong. Her anxiety was obvious as she attempted to rid her body of the poison. Watching her only made me angrier with the people who did this to her. It took three days before Kalani started to regain her former self and recognized I was there with her.

  “My father tells me you're the one who saved me, Cale. Is this true? I know it might sound strange, but I knew you would return. I know you were upset with my father, but he's under strict orders not to interfere with my work. He's seen me in some extreme situations before, but I'm happy you came back.”

  “There are so many things I want to tell you Kalani, but all I will say is that the man, who told you that I could fix your camera, came to me in a dream. He revealed to me you were in trouble. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it is not nearly as crazy as why I had to leave you the first time and where I have been since. Now, just rest. I won’t leave you this time until you are fully healed. I promise.”

  Kalani put her hand in mine. “I'm worried about you, Cale. Kapena's not going to rest until he finds you. You need to get off this island to a safe spot until he's arrested. You need to disappear. I'll understand this time. Kapena's got connections all over this island. You're not safe here.”

  “It’s fine. He doesn't know who I am, Kalani. Those men that night, they didn't see my face. It was too dark, and with the fire and the confusion, I don’t think they could identify me.”

  “I wouldn't be so sure, Cale. He's a very powerful and resourceful man. He has eyes and ears all over this island. If he wants to find you, he will.”

  “What about you? You promised me you would be safe and keep your distance, how did they capture you?”

  Kalani placed a cool cloth in her forehead. “I was on the hill with my binoculars and someone came up behind me. They stuffed a rag in my mouth and knocked me out. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in front of Kapena and some of his goons. They started to shoot me with this filth in my veins. My system must have been fighting it, because his man was complaining that it took too much of this junk to
make me high. My body fights off most toxins and poisons, Cale. Well, better than most humans. Next thing I knew, I was taken to a private room where Kapena ripped off my clothes and then I am not sure what happened. I must have passed out from the drugs. When I woke up, I was in a cage in some room with the other women. I heard them begging for a fix. Eventually, I did the same. This went on for a few days I think, before they told me, if I danced they will take care of my needs. I would have done anything at that point to feel better. I feel so ashamed. I'm a strong person, but I gave into the drugs and those criminals.”

  "Sssh, rest now. I'm going to make him pay for what he did to you.”

  “Cale, you can't go near that man. I've not finished my assignment, until I do, please do not go near him. You can’t understand how important this is to me and to others that I finish my task.”

  “Nothing can be more important than your safety, Kalani, especially after what he did to you. I'm going to make that man suffer by making him pay with his soul. Trust me.”

  “What did you say?” Kalani asked.

  “I said I'm going to make him suffer for what he did.”

  “No. I think you said you were going to make him pay with his soul.”

  I smiled. “Did I? Well, it's only an expression. Get some rest.”

  “Cale, promise me, you will stay away from Kapena. I'll be better soon and I'll finish my assignment. When I do, that man will not hurt me or anyone else again.”

  After two more days, Kalani was close to her former self. Her smile and beauty had returned and my leg had healed. It didn't go unnoticed. I gave the doc all the credit for how well he treated the wound and stitched me up.

  Having gone close to a week without outside communications, I had to get to my room and check any messages. One of the doc's associates went by the club and picked up my car. I drove over to my hotel room after the sun went down. When I arrived, I wasn't alone.

  “I was starting to think you were never going to return. You owe Mr. Kapena an apology for blowing up his truck and attacking his men. Don’t you think, Mr. Cale?”

  “Kopono. How did you get in here? Wait, silly question. But, why? Wait, that was even a dumber question. At least I know now how Kapena’s thug knew where to find Kalani the day on our bike ride and where she sat on the hill.”

  “I warned you we had people in that strip joint. I warned you to stay away from your little girlfriend. Mr. Kapena has taken a liking to that sweet body of hers, and he's sent me on a mission for her safe return."

  I showed a lot patience in not dropping the traitor by taking his soul. He had shown enough evil to me, but I didn't want anymore confinement. I tried the tough guy approach. "Her return will never happen."

  Kalani's neighbor chuckled. "I suggest that you tell me where she's hiding out. If you're lucky, Mr. Kapena will only beat you, turn you into a junkie and then I'll arrest you. If you don’t talk, well then, he will use you as shark bait on the side of his boat and let them rip you limb from limb, while you slowly die. Either way, I suggest you tell me quickly, or the pain will only be worse. Mr. Kapena really does not like it when people steal from him.”

  “Since you have badly overstated my emotions for the girl, sure I'll take you right to her. Since I know Kapena would never release me to you or anyone else, after I show you where she is, you will release me, or no deal. You had me all wrong, Kopono. She had stolen from me. I only wanted back what he stole from me. If you promise to let me collect a few things on the table over there, and let me go once you see her, I will take you to Kalani, and you will never see me again.”

  Kopono twisted his neck. “Maybe you're not listening to me, asshole. You're going to suffer one way or the other. No picking up your items. No telling me how this is going to play out. I'm in control here.”

  He handcuffed me. He then led me to the front door. He shoved me through the doorway, following closely behind. I heard a thud. I turned to see Kopono on the ground.

  “Let me get those cuffs off of you. Help me tie up this dirty cop. Then get your things and get off this island. We'll dump him on the other side of the island where it will take him hours to walk to the closest phone. You're too hot to stay here now. I'll tell Kalani I took you and you can call her once you are safely away.”

  The Doctor’s bodyguard had been ordered to check on me. Before he could knock on the door, he heard voices. Seconds later, Kopono led me out, and struck Kopono. I grabbed up my belongings and called for my messages. I had one from Detective Wilson in Los Angeles.

  We left Kopono on a deserted beach and headed for the airport. The guard was under orders from the Doc to wait with me until I boarded a plane. We sat through the night, hoping the dirty cop couldn't reach us before I could get off the island.

  “There he is,” the guard said, while we sat at the departure gate.

  I was half-asleep when I looked around and noticed a wall of people walking towards us. “Who, who is that?”

  “That’s Kapena. No doubt about it. That’s Kapena.”

  “Where’s my bag. I need my bag, hurry,” I said.

  “What are you doing? What's in your bag, Cale?”

  “I need my camera bag. It’s next to you on the floor. Hurry I need a photo of him.”

  We followed Kapena and his men to the end of the waiting area. Kapena waited by a doorway, while a small plane pulled up on the tarmac. I knew the door would be opening soon and he would be gone. I needed him alone in the photo. I knew I would be punished severely for this photo, and it was possible I would not see Kalani again once I released the shutter. However, in that moment, my rage for the man over shadowed any future punishments. This man had to pay with his soul not only for what he had done to Kalani, but all the women he had enslaved.

  I pulled my cap down and sat in a chair within a close enough range to steal his soul. Kapena moved away from the others. I raised my camera and click. I heard a shutter release, but it wasn't mine.

  “I asked you to leave this to me, Cale. I told you I would handle it. Is this how our relationship is going to go? You don’t listen to a damn thing I tell you. Do you?”

  It didn't matter what Kalani was saying. My body began to shake and power came rushing through me. I could see in the foreground, Kapena drop to the ground with people calling for assistance. He was having difficulty breathing, but I was having a hard time doing anything.

  Kalani’s body was shaking, along with the bodyguard. People were taking notice of the three of us. We knew we had to move. It was still another thirty minutes before I could board the plane.

  The three of us made it to a coffee shop in the airport terminal. We sat there staring at each other, now knowing we shared a common bond. “If you knew why didn’t you tell me, Kalani?”

  “How could I be sure? It’s not like I meet another like me every day," she said with a giggle. "In fact, you're the first one. I suspected it when you took a photo of my attacker, but hey maybe you wanted it for identification purposes and were thinking ahead. However, the other day when you said you wanted to steal his soul, and your wound healed within days, it became obvious."

  “I have to admit Kalani, it barely crossed my mind that maybe you had the power too. I mean you did shake off the addiction fast, but that’s not impossible. I was more surprised they addicted you at all now that I think about it. Someone tried to poison me a few months ago and it barely hit me. But then again, I took it in a small dose.”

  “They shot me up with five times the normal amount to make someone addicted, so I would guess that’s why. We're not immune from all drugs and toxins as you likely know, assuming you weren't sleeping that day in class.”

  She loved having a laugh at my expense, but that was ok. I turned to Kono, the man who had been watching over me. “So what about you? Do you have the power too?"

  “I did for a while, but I lost it. No one really knows why, but after about ten thefts, I lost the ability. I know no one told you, but I am the Doc’s brother a
nd Kalani’s uncle. It is one reason why I stay close with them.”

  “Does your father steal too, Kalani?”

  “He never wanted to steal. He was always more interested in healing. He never finsihed his training. Ever since he was young, he wanted to be a doctor. I wish I was there when he was in medical school, and he had the appearance of a ten year old. Elder Orcus had him work at the compound until he aged enough to where people were comfortable with him as their doctor. He did tell me that he thought your name sounded familiar and that maybe he did some work on your family.”

  “I'll have to ask if my dad knows your dad," I said. "I guess now I can tell you that I was locked up in the compound during that time you thought I abandoned you. I was being punished for taking that guy’s soul who hit your leg. What was I supposed to tell you? I stole a guy’s soul protecting you and some all-powerful Oz sent me to my room for a week? I mean really, think about it.”

  Kalani smiled and gave me hug. “Ok, you're forgiven, but you still need to get off this island, Cale.”

  "By the way, your neighbor is on Kapena’s payroll. Stay away from him.”

  “I was afraid of that," Kalani said. "I think he's the one, who put the rag to my face. He wears a very distinctive aftershave. Whoever it was that kidnapped me that day was using that same aftershave. I didn’t want to believe it was him, but I guess I have no choice now. I hear them calling your flight. You need get off this island. Kono and I will handle Paulo Kapono.”

  You be safe, Kalani. I’ll call you when I reach California and tell you all about who I'm chasing. At least now, we can be honest with each other.”

  CHAPTER Thirteen