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Soul Intentions Page 25

Three days after waking, I returned to full strength. The time had come to restore my wife's soul. Unlike with Dylan, this time I had reservations. Not only because of what I had learned about Kalani’s past, but how it might affect me physically. However, every time I considered my son, I realized he needed both parents. My love for her was strong. I needed to risk my survival for hers.

  I took her back to the same beach, where I had reclaimed her soul within me. I wanted to savor a warm embrace, not knowing what would become of me after her soul was restored. We walked to the edge of the cracking waves. Standing together, we viewed a horizon ready to show the break of dawn to a new day. I pulled her tightly against me. I offered her a lasting passionate kiss.

  We entwined with my realization this may be the last time. With our lips joined in a way they had not been since her soul was seized, I felt the thrust of her soul departing my body and restoring itself where it belonged. I pulled away just enough to see the radiance in her eyes appear as my body dropped to the salty water. The weakness now overtaking my flesh was overwhelming.

  “Cale, please don’t leave me.”

  Her words punctured me as my spirit ensnared in a frozen trance. It was as if my mind was fully aware of my surroundings, but my body was unable to act. Kalani dropped to her knees. She gently cradled my head under her arm as she too slumped to the sand. I felt helpless as tears flowed downs her cheeks. I couldn't reassure her or myself of my return.

  Faint echoes and blurred images were all I discerned. My mind pushed my body to move. However, beyond having the power to control my eyes, my head, and being able to swallow, my physical abilities were no longer mine. I peered back at my wife’s adoring eyes, until even my eyesight failed. Her cries for help on a vacant beach lanced my heart and soul.

  It took hours before I had minimal use of my senses. I could hear more than one voice speaking. I knew I was back in the hospital, where I had left only a few days previous. I detested the idea that others had to care for me. I wanted nothing more than to embrace my wife and son, and catch the next flight back home to California. Maybe that was my wakeup call that my life was not as bad as I thought it was at times.

  Maybe I too had become like others I had stolen from, not realizing life was worth living. It was all I thought about while lying in that hospital room having to hear others speak about me as if I was no longer a functioning being. It was horrid.

  Several mornings later, I awoke to the faint sound and blurred sight of someone, who had visited with me the last time I was the hospital, Elder Spia. I did my best to focus my eyes and move my head to where I could see him.

  “Caeles, it's time for you to leave this place. There are a few things that humans do to overcome certain illnesses. They're told to drink plenty of fluids, get rest and eat their mother’s chicken soup. I know you've been resting longer than you would like. They've pumped you with fluids, so I have brought with me; my mother’s cure all chicken soup.”

  Was he kidding me? I was lying not able to move and he was offering me chicken soup? Humans often have their strange ideas of remedies, but I was unwilling to think that chicken soup could cure my ills. He insisted.

  “In a few hours, you will regain your strength and full body functions. This is a remedy from my mother, Madelyn, who said it was passed down through many generations. I've never seen it work, but I have all the confidence it will. She was always a very smart woman.”

  Elder Spia helped me sit up. He fed me a few mouthfuls of soup. I was still wasn't convinced of its presumed medical abilities but then again, I removed souls for a living. Who was I to judge?

  “Caeles, I think it's best I give you this information while you are still debilitated. I have a feeling that your anger might over take you once you hear my news. This way, if the soup does work, you will still have a few hours to think about what I need to tell you, and not be able to rise up in anger. Then again, if you find it joyous news, you will have time to think of all the ways to show your appreciation.”

  I might not have been able to respond using my voice, but I assumed Elder Spia could notice the curiosity in my eyes, as I listened intently to his story.

  “Blink if you remember your mother telling you about the earthquake and our records being altered.”

  I blinked.

  “Mikael came to me as a young man, as he did you. He is an agent sent from the Lord of Life to ensure that redemption offered to broken souls once again becomes a reality. When he first appeared to me, I was as skeptical, as I assume you were. I knew by then, my training was so I could sit on the High Council. I never comprehended how hard my task would be. Once on the Council, the vote was always against me by the margin of five to one. Later, Mikael informed me that you would become my legacy. I was never about my voting record.”

  My eyes grew wider. Control of my vocal chords had begun to return. I attempted to speak, but only guttural sounds left my mouth.

  “Do not speak. Let me finish, please. The plan was to restore my bloodlines to others, without the knowledge of the Council, or any of our recorded history. My blood flows within you, Caeles. I am your grandfather. Your mother is my daughter.”

  The turmoil that had grinded inside me for years was now being expressed in the tears streaming down my face. Knowing with confidence for the first time, all the internal battles that had raged through me had a purpose. His words offered me an instant sense of relief. I wasn't some crazy rouge creature on a mission sent to upset my Elders. Well, I was that, but at least I knew it had been planned for generations.

  “I know your mother told you of her abilities. However, we could not risk her safety in allowing her to show any signs of being a soul stealer. If the Council knew of her skills, her life would have been terminated. The official records of her bloodlines indicate she should never be able to steal. However, she has all the same skills as you. She can steal, she can see into another soul, and she can restore them, the same as you. The last time you came before the Council and were to be punished, leniency was shown because the vote was always three to three. I know Orcus suspects secrets. Had the vote been six to zero, you would have lost your soul to the Council the last time you stood before us. However because of a tie, we all had to find a compromise.”

  My voice returned, weak but enough to speak. “Three to three, a vote, I asked.”

  “I'm the oldest on the Council. My time on this earth is waning. Of course, my vote was always going to be to protect you. Your wife’s grandfather is also on the Council. She does not know. Mikael is a powerful spirit representing the Lord of Life. He convinced one other to join us in our mission to restore souls. It was at my suggestion, that if you showed your ability to restore souls, you would take a place on the Council. Elder Orcus is very suspicious. He's the one who speaks publically for the Council, but his vote holds no more weight than any other of the six who sit on the Council. My goal now is for you to take my position on the Council, as your son will take yours. Orcus won't make it easy for you, once on the Council. Remember, there cannot be good without evil.”

  “Why Elder Spia, err, grandfather, why did the Council take Kalani’s soul and put us both through all this suffering?”

  “It was a harder decision for Kalani’s grandfather than it was for me to allow that to happen. Two reasons, first, Orcus and the others were questioning our loyalty. We had to show a sign of loyalty in agreeing to remove her soul or the others would have been convinced we were hiding something. For another, you needed the impetus to restore souls. Our choice was difficult to remove her soul, but we believed at the time, it was our best option.”

  The stunning news began to hit me hard. My newly discovered grandfather was right about one thing; I didn’t know if I should hit him or hug him. Since I could barely wiggle my toes or fingers, he still had time to run.

  My thoughts turned to my mother and father. Obviously my mother knew all of this, did my father? I grew up thinking my grandfather died before I was born and my grandmother soon
after my birth. Feelings of betrayal were fighting feelings of joy, as I finally understood why I was so committed to believing redemption for lost souls was the right approach.

  Maybe my grandfather deserved a second chance. He was only doing as asked. The room grew quiet for quite a long time. Funny thing was all the times I had stood before the Council, I barely took notice of the man who was my grandfather. I noticed a small resemblance, but his wrinkled skin and white thinning hair was far different from my full head of dark hair and boyish face.

  “I’m at a loss for words, Granddad. Please tell me where this all goes from here?”

  “Now that you have proven to have the powers any of us on the Council have, you will do what is asked of you. You will continue to take souls as ordered, and make sure Kalani not only steals souls, but only steals the ones requested. When a vacancy on the Council opens up, you will fill it. That is what you will do.”

  “We both know Orcus will find a way to reverse that offer. What will I do then?”

  “You will listen to my words and understand there cannot be good without evil. When the time comes, not only will you know what to do, Mikael will be there to guide you.”

  I could now feel my ability to move my arms and legs. I felt reassured all was going to be ok.

  “Caeles, there is one last thing you need to realize before you see Kalani. It is written that should you reclaim and restore a soul, not originally taken by you, while the soul rests with you, you have all the memories of that soul. However, once it exits your body, you lose the memories as well. Do you remember the memories that were Kalani’s?”

  I was confused. There were no recollections of past memories, or the knowledge that her memories were with me in the first place.

  “I don’t recall ever having that knowledge, Granddad.”

  He looked at me and nodded with a smile.

  “Having never restored a soul not taken by me, it was only a question to verify what is written in our documents. Once again, the documents speak the truth. The last time I was here with you, you spoke about her stealing souls for money and offering the money to this particular hospital. Do you recall any of our talk?”

  Scratching my head, there was nothing like that rattling around in my brain.

  “No. If we had that discussion, it escapes me now.” I stretched my arms for the first time in days as he continued.

  “Well, confidentially, she has been in front of the Council more than you. I would suggest you pay her close attention. I don’t think I would be able to even get a split vote if you fail to keep her from getting into more trouble. The Council will have no choice, but to make you suffer for her actions. To be honest, no one on the Council now knows if we could take your soul, even if it was warranted. It has never been attempted on anyone with your skills. But be warned, your son’s or other family members would be at risk.”

  We sat and talked about my mother in her youth. My grandfather didn't see her as often as he would have preferred, only so he didn't draw attention to her. All the records were modified to look as though my mother's father passed away soon after her birth. My Grandmother raised my Mother. I barely remembered my Grandmother.

  After several hours, I could stand on my own and no longer needed assistance of any kind. My thoughts now were with Kalani. My newly discovered grandfather took his leave, but assured me he would keep closer ties in the future. Even with all this new information, I never felt so alone. I no longer knew whom I could trust. How could I even really know if the man on the Council claiming to be my grandfather really was whom he said he was? I knew a visit to my assumed parents would be in my immediate future. Kalani soon joined me at my bedside.

  “I was starting to have doubts you would ever return to me, Cale. I"ll never forget how you sacrificed yourself for me, my love. If the roles were reversed, I would like to believe I would have done the same thing for you. Let’s hope I never have to be tested.”

  I wanted to believe she would. However, she wasn't the same person I knew before her soul had been lost. Kapena had told me stories. Wild stories. I wanted to know the truth about them before I could trust her again.

  “Talk to me," I said. "While you were without your soul, I was given a mission to take Kapena’s soul. Before I did, he told me some disturbing news.

  “Whoa, stop right there. You were assigned to take Kapena’s soul?”

  “Yes, and I have no regrets taking it.”

  Kalani moved away from me. She took her hand from mine.

  “Why would you do it, Cale? Don’t you understand how important he was to me?”

  “No, I suppose I don’t. You never told me anything about your relationship and I'm starting to believe there is even more than he told me.”

  “Why, what did he tell you?”

  “Among other things, that the two of you were more than neighbors and that he considers you his personal voodoo lady, who would turn even on me if he commanded.”

  Moments of silence ensued with each of us looking at each other, no longer knowing what to say or think.

  “Cale, I had to do what I had to do. I had my missions too, but never once did I betray our vows with each other. If you don’t believe anything else, believe that much.”

  “I do believe that, but why, why would you take the souls from others knowing it is forbidden so strongly?”

  “You did it, Cale.”

  “I did, and I now regret it. I might even one day ask if I can restore it. I did it thinking I was protecting you. I never did it for the money.”

  “My father’s hospital needed the money to survive. It still needs the money to help those who cannot afford good medical care. I won’t say I did it easily, but it's important the money keeps coming from Kapena.”

  “Uhm, that might be difficult since by now he is likely a zombie somewhere on Oahu. I told you, I zapped that guy so frigging good, and was happy I did.”

  Kalani’s face froze with an icy stare.

  “You must restore him back the way he was, Cale, and quickly.”

  “That’s never going to happen; and you're not going to interfere with whoever takes his position in the drug wars. I can’t accept the idea that you take from drug dealers to pay for this place. It’s going to stop.”

  “This place won’t survive without the extra cash I supply. You can’t stop me!”

  “Maybe you didn't hear me clearly. I can and will. I have the full backing of the Council to punish you anyway I see fit, should you disobey me. If you take another soul without permission, our son will lose his soul. It's likely you will too. So, I would suggest you find another way to assist your father with his cash flow issues, but it won’t be from stealing unauthorized souls.”

  The staring contest continued with neither of us flinching.

  CHAPTER Twenty Five