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Soul Intentions Page 28
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Page 28
My anger boiled over with my wife. The taxi driver taking us to the airport had to ask the two of us to keep the noise down, or he would stop the car. I couldn't understand why Kalani would have any reason to return to Hawaii and see Paulo Kapono.
“Cale, you need to stop your yelling and let me explain. Paulo insisted I return or he would hurt Nic. Besides, I wanted to see if I could find out how he got his soul returned, since you told me that you stole it from him. It was important for me to see him in person to let him know that if he didn’t stop with his threats, that either you or I would remove his soul again.”
“I want to believe you, Kalani. I really do, but you kept this all to yourself and let’s face it; had you told me about Kapono’s threats, he never would have found Nic or you, nor would that embarrassment of a cop still own his soul.”
“I thought I could handle it. You had enough going on without him burdening you.”
It was a silent trip back to California after our initial argument. I was starting to learn that as strong as your body can be physically, if your mind is confused, it is hard to function properly. I had enough of all the lies, and not knowing, who was telling the truth. My body couldn't sustain the pace it had been running at for weeks. I collapsed into a deep sleep on the flight home.
As I slept on the flight, Mikael came to me in a dream. It was hard to remember all of it, but when I awoke, I could remember the words he stated many times, “There cannot be good where there is no evil. Your test will be to control the evil that lurks inside you.”
When we arrived home, I attempted to relax. There was an uneasiness that I never felt before around Kalani. I wanted to believe her, but I wasn't a fool. I didn’t believe her story. She had changed. She tried a few times to defend her actions about being in Hawaii, but I was having none of it. She tried to play it off on me that I was somehow the bad husband, since I no longer trusted her every word. My heart wanted to believe her, my mind did not.
The next day, we were both summoned to meet with the Council. I was confused as to why, since I knew I'd been doing everything expected of me. Kalani swore to me despite being in Hawaii, she had done nothing wrong. She was as perplexed as I was as to why we had were requested to stand in front of the Council. I made a quick phone call to Agent Nesstor and asked him to have someone interrogate Kapono about Kalani.
“Ask him if he had her do any of her voodoo magic.”
He got back to me the following day. Kapono swore she had done nothing for him in months. However, we were both asked to once again return to the compound and appear before the High Council.
I had become far too familiar with the coldness of the Council room. The walls that I would assume were once white were now turning a depressing soft grey. The dark wood dais, where the Council sat was raised on a platform several feet off the ground. This way they could look down upon whoever came before them. The floor was made of marble and no matter the time of year, it was cold as ice. It made me ill every time I walked into the room.
“Caeles and Kalani Novo, you've been called here because once again the two of you have broken our laws. Do either of you have anything to say before we hand down our punishment?”
We looked at each other. I had no idea what Elder Orcus was implying. Kalani shrugged at me.
“Council, please explain what laws were broken.”
“For you, Caeles, it was because you did not watch over your wife as promised to this Council. For your wife, she has yet again taken a soul without permission.”
Kalani pointed her finger at Orcus and moved towards him. “That’s a damn lie. I have done no such thing!”
I believed my wife. I wrapped her in my arms as if to shield her from the Council.
“Council, I demand proof of such an accusation! She has taken no forbidden soul.”
“The man’s name is Danny Kapu and was a drug enforcement officer investigating Paulo Kapono. He worked undercover. When it was discovered he was a cop, Kapono had your wife remove his soul.”
Kalani denied the accusation. “I have never met the man, nor did I remove his soul. It’s a damn lie.”
"Council, before traveling to meet you, I had an officer interrogate Paulo Kapono and he was asked specifically if Kalani had done any work for him in recent months. He said no.”
Orcus rose from his seat and pointed back, “You would believe a murdering soulless drug dealer over this Council?”
“I believe in the truth, and the truth is, I believe in my wife. Since you brought up the subject, Kapono had his soul returned to him. Why would that be and who did it?”
The room went quiet. The six members all peered at each other, before leaving the room. Kalani and I stood alone in the cold room for several minutes. I begged her to tell me the truth, but she reiterated that she had not taken any unauthorized souls. I knew I had to stand with her. I didn't want to believe she could lie to me any longer.
I pulled her close enough for our heartbeats to join in perfect rhythm. As our hearts pounded away, I could for the first time since I knew her, feel her body shake because of the unknown. I gently ran my hand through her hair. I stared into her eyes, assuring her no harm would come from any decision handed down from the Council.
The six men reappeared through an ancient wooden door and again took their seats at the dais. The stern look on each of their faces did not bode well for our future. Five men took their seats, one moved toward Kalani and me. Elder Orcus looked back again towards the door and with a wave of his hand; my son emerged into the Council room. Orcus had him stand to my right with Kalani already to my left. Disgust was in Orcus’s dark eyes.
“Our decision is final, Caeles Novo. You were warned of dire consequences if you failed to meet the obligations in our previous agreement. You failed and must now suffer your punishment. You must choose between your wife and your child. One will be lost to you forever. This is the penalty for your wife disobeying the Council and you not being responsible for her actions. You have failed in being responsible for Kalani, and you Kalani have failed in not obeying our laws.”
This could not be happening to us. I believed Kalani. She hadn't disobeyed any laws and I had lived up to my responsibilities. I refused to accept the penalty.
"I reject your thoughts of what he have and have not done and I refuse to accept your outrageous punishment. I will not choose because we are leaving.”
Orcus moved close. I was doing all I could not to show fear, yet I failed.
“You're weak, Caeles," Orcus said. "I see fear in you. Leaders may fear, but do not show it in the face of danger. You'll never be on this Council because your fear has been exposed. We as a Council must face difficult choices in order to lead our disciples. However, you, Caeles, you have failed on so many levels and don't even know it. Again, I offer you the choice of punishment, your son or wife.”
I looked at my son. He was unaware of all that was taking place. Kalani held her hands to her face, her eyes streaming with tears. I could see her knees begin to bend as if she was ready to fall to the floor. I tried to keep my wits about me and find a way out of this pending disaster.
“Caeles, you had the power all along to delve into Kalani’s soul and see the truth. It's what we do on the Council every day. Instead, you only searched into your heart, never investigating her soul. The truth was always there for you to see. You were too weak to observe the truth. You will never be the leader we need on this Council. You have failed us. You failed your family, and now yourself. Had you faced your fear and used your power to probe deep into her soul, you would have known the truth. One last time, your son or your wife, make your decision.”
Orcus was right. I was fearful of what I would see. I never used my own abilities to see the truth. I didn't trust the one person who deserved my trust. This time when looking at my son and wife, I did dig into their souls. My son’s was beaming with goodness. I spied Kalani’s as well. It was as pure as it had been the day it was redeemed. It was impossible for her to have taken an
y souls not authorized by the Council. Why would the Council want to ruin us? We had done nothing wrong. I stood motionless desperately trying to defend my family.
Orcus stretched his long wretched fingers out and placed them on the shoulders of both my wife and son. Their bodies became like statues, only still in the flesh. The sorrow and frustration that poured from Kalani went silent. My son’s face now had a sign of hopelessness frozen across it. I had to turn away.
I wanted to refuse the thought that Orcus had stolen their souls because my body had no reaction. Had he taken their souls, I would have had an instant reaction. Confusion filled my thoughts. What had he done to my family?
Orcus scowled at me and announced, “Leave this Council chamber now. Do not return until we call for you, my mindless pawn. Forget your family. They are dead to you now. We on the Council were worried that one day you would be a true rival, one that could force us to alter our ways. Instead, you're nothing. I pity ones like you, who come here to disobey and mock our laws. Cowards, who when it is time to fight, leave in a puddle of tears. Maybe you're correct. Some do deserve redemption, but as long as I am on this Council, our laws remain. Now leave and wait for your next assignment.”
Shock consumed me. How could anyone be so cruel, yet declare himself to be the leader of anyone? Was this man worthy to be my leader? My family was frozen and I had no idea what to do. I wanted to fight, but I had lost everything. I died from the inside out. I turned to leave, feeling like the coward.
A few steps from the door a vision of Mikael appeared before me. For the first time his vision was one of defiance. “Caeles, you cannot experience goodness until you face evil. There is evil in all of us.” The vision vanished.
I circled back in the direction of the Council. The fear of the unknown was evident among the five Council members, as I stared at them now standing at their seats on the dais. I couldn't not tell if they were more fearful of Orcus or me. Orcus stood between my wife and son as if he had claimed the rights to my family.
My beautiful wife and child were motionless. My desire to destroy the monster, who took my family quickened with every second. However as young and powerful as I was, I still wasn't sure I could out maneuver six men, with the combined power far more than me.
Orcus did make the comment that the Council feared I would be a rival. Maybe the Council did not fear me as a rival, only Orcus. Was it Orcus, who feared me more than I did him? Since I had grown stronger than any one member of the Council, including Orcus, maybe I wasn't up against six men. I only knew I could no longer be their puppet on a string.
I marched back towards Orcus, my disdain for him growing with every footstep. His bitterness towards me was evident as he gnashed his teeth. Orcus raised his chin in defiance as I grabbed his arm. All the evil that was locked in all the souls I had stolen over the years was now pulsating through my veins. Evil consumed me. Yet, I felt alive like never before.
Peering into his dark eyes, I witnessed the fear in Charon Orcus. I reached inside the repulsive creature, who I once respected, and ripped out his darkened soul. Our once exalted leader collapsed to one knee begging for my forgiveness and redemption. I hovered over his body that looked insignificant to me. Anger pierced my soul. I understood evil like never before.
The five remaining Council members huddled. I stood in silence with Orcus at my feet. The beat of my heart slowed as my body slowly lowered itself to rest on the cold marble floor. The body of Charon Orcus twitched beside me. I hated the feeling of evil flowing through me, but I realized at least for this moment in time, it was necessary. I suddenly recognized what Mikael meant when he declared that you cannot know true goodness until you understand and defeat evil.
My thoughts turned to a conversation I had with my grandfather the last time he had seen me. He informed me that he controlled three votes on the Council. Was it possible that Orcus acted outside his boundaries as leader of the Council and not just with me? Had the Council grown weary of his abuse of others? Were they terrified to remove him as leader? Did the remaining Council members use me to eliminate their problem? Could my own grandfather have used me in such a way to jeopardize my own health and the security of my family? What was his purpose in making sure I knew he could control three of the six votes on the Council?
Now facing the Council, I noticed my grandfather waving me towards the seat previously occupied by Charon Orcus. I lifted my head but could not move.
“Council Members, this is my grandson. He is of pure blood dating back to our founding. The documents were manipulated to conceal his identity. He matches all the criteria demanded in our laws for him to sit on this High Council. In our agreement with him, should he obey, he was promised a seat beside us when the next opening occurred. I submit to you, there is an opening.”
I was too busy attempting to understand all that happened to care about their chattering back and forth. I gazed at my wife and son. I wept. No seat on any council could replace my wife and child. My first mission would be to find an antidote for whatever spell Orcus had cast upon them. I stood slowly and approached my beloved Kalani and Nic. I caressed the tenderness in my wife’s skin. I could see in her eyes she was captive and needed my help. My son, so pure, so docile, how could any being want to hurt such a child? I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around each of them. I wept until I felt the hand of my grandfather on my shoulder.
“I know you are in pain, Cale. I can assure you, we will have every scholar on our staff scour our books to determine what Orcus did to your family. There is a remedy, and we will find it. Once we do, Kalani will again be your trusted partner and your son will find himself on this Council when he comes of age. However, for now, it has been determined it is time for you to take your rightful place among us. There is a majority vote for you to replace Charon Orcus and lead this Council. It is our highest honor.”
“Grandfather, how can you ask or expect me to accept the responsibility of being among our disciples leaders when moments ago, I was running in fear?”
“It is precisely because you overcame your fear. Not only did you overcome your fear, you now fully understand our most basic principle. It has always been your destiny, Caeles. Do not fear it any longer, embrace it.”
My belief in our most basic principle was why I restored Dylan’s soul years ago. I did it because I believed almost all souls deserve a second chance.
Everyone has the capacity to be good or evil. Humans at times lose sight of what is important in life, because they don't know how to control the evil that sits in all of us. At times humans become mired up in acquiring assets or power and become blinded by things that in the end don’t seem so important. Evil creeps into our souls, and many cannot find a way to get it back under control. I pray that should the day come that I lose sight of all that is good and seek redemption, it will be granted. After all, I am human. Well sort of.
Buddha stated, “There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.”
Possibly Charon Orcus fell to being human with human faults. Over time, the power of being a leader allowed evil to sink into his soul. The best leaders understand how to control the temptations of using their power for personal gains. When not, that is when evil can find its way into your soul. You do not have to be a leader of others to be a leader. Everyone is the leader of their own destiny. It's why you've been given the power to know the difference between good and evil.
When evil wins the internal battle for your soul, you are lost. You might think you're alone and the only one who feels that way. You are not. It's been the mission of this Council to identify those of you who feel that way. We will cleanse your soul and offer you a second chance. A third chance is forbidden, so make your choices wisely.
My next mission will be to find a cure for my family. Once I succeed, I will make sure the Council regains its focus and restore the ability to offer redemption for those who seek it. Should you ever fall; the Council will be lurking in the shadows. Should you e
ver need and obtain a second chance in warding off evil in your soul, don’t abuse it. Redemption was a promise sent down from the heavens long before you or I existed. It is a promise that will exist long after you and I have vanished from this earth. I have found my destiny. I have peace in my soul. Seek and you shall find yours.
Final Words
A friend of mine would tease years ago about how he didn't believe that computers were here to stay. He still uses film in his camera. The digital age has changed publishing. Readers and authors can debate if the change is for the good or bad.
Soul Intentions was originally released in 2012. In late 2016, I began to make more of an effort to market my work. One of the changes was to develop a new website. The first version of this book had the old website noted in the front, now it's the new one.
Soul Intentions was my third release. As I write this in early 2017, my ninth book, True Justice is being readied for publication. My tenth book, the next of my Presidential series is being written.
My writing style has changed over the years. Some readers claim they don't see much of a difference, but I know it's changed. For example in my first book, A Beautiful Song, I didn't use as much dialog as I do in later works. There are other style differences as well, but I'll let you read the others and see if you can spot a change.
To all my readers, thank you. Please send me a note and say hello. I answer all my email and appreciate hearing from you.