Soul Intentions Read online

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Chicago first impression hit Johnny harder than Joe Lewis right hook. This was a city where he could feel the energy the moment their Buick sedan hit the city limits. His previous existence revolved around rural Mississippi, with the highlight playing in front of four hundred adoring fans, not far from his hometown in Jackson. One busy street near Wrigley Field on game day had more people walking on it, than he had seen in one gathering place. It was a complete culture shock to him, but very pleasing.

  Mr. Amison introduced Miss Alexis Simpson to Johnny and left them alone in a hotel room to, “Make me some smashing sounds that will make people, as you young Americans say, boogie in your seats.” Amison was off to scour the streets of Chicago in search of another recording star.

  Alexis Simpson was a shy eighteen year old in search of her identity. She had responded to an advertisement that Amison had put in the Chicago newspapers. He placed an ad stating, “Searching for someone with strong writing skills and a wonderful imagination to change the world through music.”

  Alexis contacted him the next day, picking her from the more than fifty others, who contacted him from the one-day advertisement. Despite her age, her parents refused to allow her to leave the Chicago area, until Amison could prove their daughter would be safe in his care.

  Alexis had the looks of a beauty queen, but her woman’s curves were always clothed in a conservative fashion. Her looks were always hidden while growing up. Her radiant jade colored eyes and long flowing lashes were the first thing Johnny noticed about her. Her soft innocent smile was second.

  In return, Alexis couldn't take her eyes off his perfectly combed jet black hair and perfectly honed body. He was no longer the, “skinny assed white boy,” found peeking in the window. He had developed a man’s body with an immature eighteen-year old mind. Johnny may have been married to his music, but he instantly realized Alexis Simpson would be his mistress. Alexis was star struck with the teenager, who was not yet a star.

  “They don’t make girls like you where I come from, Miss Green Eyes,” Johnny suggested in his very boyish and inexperienced way.

  “Oh, then maybe you should tell me, how do they make girls where ever it is you come from John?"

  Johnny stuttered, looking for the right comeback, but he had never been around a lady before. He had only met a few girls from school, but in those days, he paid them little attention. Besides, Alexis grew up in the big city. She had seen boys come and go, and attempting to garner some attention from her. None had success. She wasn't going to fall for his weak efforts in charming her.

  After several back and forth words with Johnny stumbling badly, Alexis let him keep what was left of his dignity.

  “Mr. Amison is paying me," she said. "I'm not sure about you, but he is paying me to write songs. I prefer to do that so I can retain my employment beyond today. If you can keep your mind on working for a few hours and stop staring at me, maybe I'll show you our beautiful city. But you have to promise me you'll focus on our work this afternoon.”

  The idea of Johnny being pushed around even slightly by this female was not sitting well at first, but as she batted her eyes and offered that soft smile with her pouty lips. He quickly relented to her charms.

  “Yeah, he’s gonna make me a star. My band's back home waiting on me to make some songs too, so I guess we should do some writing. But I think it best you do the writing part on the paper cause my spelling ain’t so good.”

  Alexis gave him one last smile. “That’s fine John. I'm the one with the pencil, so it only makes sense I do the writing.”

  She had previously written several songs on her own before meeting Amison. She and Johnny reviewed them for several hours. Johnny may have not finished high school, but he was quick to learn and had a well above average intelligence. Both were pleased with the results. After a few hours of hard work in updating them, to fit more of a blues style, and Johnny’s voice, they were off to see the big city.

  As promised, Alexis took Johnny on a tour of the lakefront, as well as parts of downtown Chicago. He knew he could never return to his roots in Mississippi, unless it was to lead the band in front of a large audience. One full day with a fine looking woman like Alexis, and in a big city only fueled Johnny’s desire to be a star.

  They worked as a team for several days until Mr. Amison had seen enough to know it was time to put the band in a studio and to start promoting them.

  “The two of you are just splendid together," he said. "You have done amazing work. Now let’s get the rest of the band here, Johnny. Oh, I am so pleased, so pleased. Johnny, I have someone who is going to take you around to watch some of the other performers in town. I want you to notice how they play to the audience. Watch what they do. Alexis, I have another band in town starting tomorrow. I want you to sit with them in the studio and help them finish a few numbers they have already started. They're more of a singing group, but I know you will do wonderful things with them.”

  “Ah, scuse me Mr. Amison, but I thought Alexis was my songwriting partner?”

  “She is my dear soul, she is.”

  “Then why you going on having her work with some other group too?”

  “Well, she works for my company, Mr. Jackson, same as you. I pay her. I pay you. When the day comes that you pay her, then you can tell her what to do, until that day, you will go see the singer across town tonight, and she will be up early working with the men I assign her to work with. Now, run along. Call your bandmates and have them drive to Chicago by the end of the week. I'd like the band recording no later than Monday of next week.”

  Johnny gave Amison a long stare, but realized there was not much he could do. Amison was going to make him a star, change his life forever. He needed to watch his temper. Without Clive around to keep Johnny in check, his temper came close to boiling over more than once.

  “Hey Clive, good news. Tell the rest of the band to get on up here to Chicago right away. We got four songs to record and Amison says we can do some of the ones you like too. He wants us recording by Monday.”

  “The fella’s is ready to go. I still don’t have a good feeling about this whole thing, Johnny. What you find up there in Chicago?”

  “Just get on up here, Clive. The place got people hopping all over. I’m going off to see some singer tonight and I met this fine lady who can write some pretty music. She got fancy words and a fine looking body too.”

  “You keep your mind on to your music boy. Don’t be thinking you be up there to be doing nothing more than making music and getting out-a there. You pay good attention to ole' Clive. I keep telling you. I seen many places and many fine looking women. They want to take your soul from you if you not careful. You hearing me Johnny?”

  “Don’t you worry bout me, Clive. I got this going on now. You collect the fellas and get on up here. Not only do they have fancy ladies, they got food like I ain’t never ate before. And the buildings so tall, I lose them in the sky. They got ball teams up here Clive. I seen some place they call Wrigley Field.”

  Clive laughed loudly over the phone, “I know all about the ball clubs up there, boy. I'ze be there in three days. You make sure Amison, he don’t forget who the main man is, you hear?”

  “You the boss Clive. I know. He knows. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Five days later, The Clive Five recorded what turned out to be their first hit played on commercial radio, 'Seeing In Your Dreams.' Songwriting credits were given to Alexis Simpson, Johnny Joe Jackson and Arthur K. Amison. The band was so excited to hear the song being played in front of Parker’s Five and Dime on a new Philco radio. They didn’t pay any attention to the song writing credits.

  They had never read the contract’s fine print either, where it stated that any songs recorded would list Amison as one of the songwriters. Within a few weeks, the second single was released, which played in the larger cities from New York to New Orleans.

  Venues opened their doors to the Clive Five. Amison had it set up, where all of his acts would perform on the
same stage, during the same evening. It didn't take long before The Clive Five were the headliners. It also wasn't long before the band’s name changed to, 'The Clive Five, featuring Johnny Joe Jackson,' permanently. Clive was furious with Amison when the change was made, but Amison pointed out the fine print in the contract, where he had the right to change the name of the band.

  The others, in particular Johnny, didn’t care since they had money in their pockets and food in their bellies. They even had made enough to send a few dollars back home to support their families. Amison was shrewd, but he was smart enough to know to give them just enough cash in their pockets to make them feel satisfied. He also made sure they were performing six days a week, so they didn't have much time to really think about it. Amison had other chores to tend to rather than constantly be on the road with his recording acts.

  Johnny quickly became a star. On nights in larger venues, two pianos sat on stage. One was out front, where Johnny played a handful of songs and the other was tucked off to the side of the stage, where Clive would be playing the majority of the piano parts. Johnny’s was more for show, though he did learn to play four or five songs. After four months on the road performing, the bands were called back to Chicago to record more singles.

  Johnny kept in touch with Alexis, sending her a letter almost daily, and on his off day each week, he would call her on the telephone. She had been following the band’s progress through his letters. Johnny sent some Alexis some ideas for new songs.

  Despite that Mr. Amison wasn't around often, he had his assistant Gabe Fisher Jr. run the operation. Gabe controlled studio time and band touring schedules. However, turmoil was bubbling around the band. Johnny refused to work in the studio without Alexis. Clive was growing more and more discontent with the band and how he believed his influence as bandleader was waning.

  “Johnny, twas me who started this here band. I was the one taught you the piana, boy. Ain’t nobody wanted to give you no mind to playing no music. That was me. Now, you the one they all come to see. No sir, they don’t come no more to hear the band play, they all come see you shake your ass on stage. It aint’ bout no music no more, son. It’s all about young girls watching you. I swear we played some joints where they don’t even hear the music and them girls be screaming like nobody’s business.”

  “Clive, we doing just what Mr. Amison said he would do for us. And we making more money playing music than you could ever dream. Damn, Clive, can’t you be happy?”

  “No, boy. He doing what he say he do for you and it ain’t bout no money. He ain’t doing so much for the rest of us fella’s, who don't get to stay in the fancy hotels and eating places with you.”

  “I’ll talk with Mr. Amison next time I see him, Clive. I promise ya. Hey, why don’t you sing one of the new songs and we make it a piano song. We'll make it real nice and pretty and when we play it in shows, you sing it. I'll have Alexis write a song for you.”

  “I don’t need no girl to write me no love songs you hear? Surely I don’t take your pity, boy. I can play the piana better than anyone on these stages. I don’t need you treating me like I’ze your back up player. This band is called the Clive Five for a reason, and y’all need to be remembering on that fact.”

  Clive stormed out and recording was done for the day.

  Tensions eased after the first single was released from the new recordings and the band’s music played on the radio along with big stars like Perry Como, Patty Page and Tony Bennett. Only the sound from the Clive Five was unlike all the others. They had a raw sound, more upbeat that the young girls flocked to see.

  It was enough to get them a one-week engagement at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Johnny refused to go to New York unless Alexis could travel with the band. Amison had cleared it with her parents for Alexis to travel on a very limited schedule. She would meet them in New York after the band played in Detroit, Cleveland and Philadelphia. They would play shows in places larger than they had ever witnessed before. The band was now a success and Johnny Joe Jackson’s photo was going to be featured on the cover of a national magazine.

  When the band reached New York, all the shows were sold out at Radio City Music Hall. The band had a rare two days off, before they were to perform. Johnny made arrangements to pick up Alexis from Grand Central Station and planned on spending the rest of the day with her.

  “Things is going to be great now, Alexis. The crowds is growing and Mr. Amison promised the band more money. I’ll have money to buy you nice things now, Miss Green Eyes. You and me, we can make a go of it and get married real soon.”

  Alexis' stance became rigid as Johnny hailed a cab. “John, I don’t want your money and I don’t need fancy clothes or rings on my finger right now. I love writing music for you and all the others. Traveling around with bands is not a life for me. I always wanted to see New York and I love the idea that you wanted me here with you. But I am not ready to get married. I do love you, John. I want you in my life, but let’s go slow and see how long we can keep a good thing going. Ok?”

  “That’s another thing. You ain’t gonna be writing no more music for them other groups. I'm going to talk with Mr. Amison, and tell him that if he wants me to be singing for him, he’s gonna have to see things my way now.”

  "Please, please don’t do that, John. He'll never agree with that and truly, I do love writing songs with you, but I love to write all styles of music. The other groups have a different sound from you guys, so I get to write different styles. Please understand. I will always be your songwriting partner, but I do love staying busy, and I love working for Mr. Amison. It’s the only job I've ever had. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.”

  Johnny clenched his fist. “You're MY woman. I don’t like sharing you with them other bands. You listen to me, Darling. I'm going to speak with Amison. I want you to be with me. I want good things for you now, and I want us both to be happy.”

  Alexis offered her soft smile. “I am happy, John. Please understand. Over time, who knows what will happen. But, for right now, I like being who I am. I'm being paid to do what I love. You are too. Let’s have a nice few days here in New York before I have to go home. Please, John?”

  Johnny took two steps back from Alexis and rubbed his hands through his greased back hair. He rubbed his forehead with both thumbs almost crushing his own skull. He closed his eyes attempting not to show his deep disappointment with Alexis, even if it was obvious to her.

  The shows came off a rousing success with Johnny’s name highlighted. The band’s name was printed in smaller letters than Johnny's on the side of buses all over New York City. Other than Clive, the band members were impressed. In order to attempt to calm Clive, Amison booked the band at the Apollo theatre for two nights after the Radio City shows.

  The band went in and played mostly the old blues songs they played when they started out. Clive sang lead on many of the songs until the crowd grew restless and starting to yell out Johnny’s name and the names of the songs, for which they were now known. They ended with Johnny’s songs much to the delight of the crowd. Clive realized it was no longer his band.

  The band headed back to Chicago to record a new single that Alexis wrote while in New York. Amison promised them a two-week break, once they recorded the new single. After that, it would be back on the road, this time hitting the southern states from North Carolina to Louisiana. It was also going to be the band’s first trip back to Mississippi since they had become household names across much of the nation. While on break, Johnny begged Alexis to join them on the road, or at least meet them in Atlanta or New Orleans.

  “John, we've had this conversation so many times. My work is here in Chicago, in the offices of the record label. I love our times together, but you're a big star now, you have an obligation to your music and your fans. When this all slows down, I will be here waiting for you. We're so young, there is so much in front of us. My songs are all over the new ratings system. They're starting to write about our
success in the newspapers and magazines. My name's been mentioned in one of them, and one newspaper wants to do a story on me. Me, John. This way I can have some recognition too, and I don’t have to be in front of a crowd. You know me, John. I don’t like crowds. I can please so many of them with my music. Please, John. I beg you to understand me. I need to create songs as much you need to sing them.”

  “But we can be married and you can still write your words, Miss Green Eyes.”

  “Give it a little more time, John. There is no one else in my life. I do love you.”

  "I'm hitching a ride back home for a week with Clive. We can talk about this when I get back to Chicago.”