Soul Intentions Page 15
My reward for stealing Blake's soul was time off to meet Kalani. We met in San Francisco for a long weekend. Her next assignment was days away, so this would be the last time we would likely see each other for an extended period.
“Cale, you can’t get so involved in your subject’s lives the way you do," she said as we took in Giant's baseball game. "Our mission is to take a soul and get out. We don't question if it is the right decision or not. You're not on the Council. You have sworn an oath, like me. I beg you to do what is required of you or give up being a soul stealer. I fear it's only going to put you in the mental ward next to Kapena. Please, Cale, think about what everyone is telling you.
I tried to watch the game, but she kept up until I responded. “I know, Kalani. I do. However, something is not right with our all our teachings. It seems with each theft, I see goodness still inside their souls. I believe I can restore these people if given the chance. For example, your politician, yeah he was shaking people down for money, but did it rise to the level of taking his soul?”
"I don’t know, Cale. It’s not my job to question it. I do my job, as should you.”
We later walked along the wharf after taking in the afternoon game a nice dinner, watching gentle ripples in the water across the bay, when a man, who I instantly recognized walked up to us and began to speak.
"It's time we formally met. Don't be alarmed. I bring you no harm. My name is Mikael Sano. My responsibility is to watch over the two of you. I'm breaking the rules by making this contact, but I feel it's important that we meet. Yes, Cale, I was the one in your dreams and yes, Kalani, I'm the one who pushed you to Cale at the market place. I've watched over both of you since your births."
Kalani looked at each other and back at the old man in our paths.
"I bring you news, Cale. What you see in your heart is true. It's also true that you can see into others souls, not a power developed by Kalani or anyone other than Council members. You've not developed it fully yet, but over time you will. You were chosen generations ago to lead the rebirth of what was to be the original mission of the Elders and the Council.
"Huh," I mumbled.
"Him?" Kalani said.
Do not fight him, Kalani. It is his mission to reclaim the Council. They are not what they seem. The Doctor has the answers you seek, Cale. You and Kalani have always been destined to be together.”
Kalani and I stood stone-faced listening to him deliver his message. He came from nowhere and when he was finished, he vanished into the brisk San Francisco breeze.
“Well, thank you once again for an interesting evening, Caeles Novo. How much did you pay the man to deliver that timely speech?”
“Come on, honey. You don’t honestly believe I put that guy up to it, do you?”
“I'm not sure what to believe," Kalani said. However, I don’t think my father has anything to do with any of this. Some creepy old man comes walking up to us talking about you being some kind of savior and vanishes. You don’t find that a little too convenient after how we just talked about you doing your mission and nothing more?”
"Honey, I assure you. I had nothing to do with that man showing up again. However, he has popped in and out of my life for years. He helped me after I took my first soul and he helped me save you. I don’t know anything about taking over the Council, that’s all nonsense to me, but I have seen him before. Admit it, so have you.”
“I don’t know. I'm going to leave for my next assignment in the morning. I suggest you forget about the old fart, and do your duty to our kind and the Council. And keep my father out of all of your running off and saving the military sharp shooters for a better life. And one more thing, if I see that creepy old man go near my dad, I’ll take his soul, assuming he has one.”
“Now look who is talking about taking unauthorized souls. Chill out, I didn’t put anyone up to anything here. I have no intentions of you disturbing your father. Now let’s enjoy our last evening together and forget about missions and souls and be happy.”
“Fine, but if I ever find out you paid that creep to do that, you will never see me again.”
Always the last word. My emotional lady was lucky I cared for her the way I did.
Over the next several years, I did my duty and stole soul after soul. I tried not to think too much about it since most were bad people. There were rapists, murderers, and child pornographers amongst the group. I saw some horrific things over the next several years. There were times I got an assignment, read the file, and was so upset over what vile and disgusting people I had to steal from, that it would only take me hours to complete my task. I never gave it a second thought. There were times it took longer for various reasons, but for the most part, I took everyone’s advice and stole without remorse.
Kalani and I spent as much time together as possible, but the Council kept us on opposite sides of the globe most of the time. We were convinced it was intentional. We were both doing our jobs with much success, so the Council really couldn't complain when we did see each other. Besides in the past, others who had stolen for our kind had married. We wouldn't be the first to do so in our history. Kalani and I both talked about getting married and having children, but we also knew one would likely have to give up stealing. We were apart too much to have a healthy marriage.
After months of being apart from Kalani, I became depressed. I left my latest assignment and met up with her in Tokyo, Japan. We talked it over and decided that it was time to make a change. We were willing to compromise with ourselves, and the Council. We would go to them as a couple, and tell them that if they wanted the both of us to continue stealing, the Council would have to change our territories to make it easier for the two of us to live together. If that worked, we would get married, but something had to change with us being apart so often.
“The two of you stand before the Highest Council and threaten us with your demands?”
“No Council Members. We only ask that you understand that our work has started to suffer from being apart. Yes, I keep up with assignments as does Kalani, but we both fear in time this will change. We are only asking that rather than keep us so far apart, you rearrange our assignments to be closer. We are seeking a compromise, since we both see the value in continuing our duty to the Council and our kind. We think it is a fair request.”
“It is true the Council has kept the two of you apart as much as possible, but with good reason. We don't believe the two of you are making a wise decision in wanting to be together. It will cloud your decisions in your work. We don't see good coming from your choice. However, since the two of you have decided that you believe it is what is best. Your request is granted. But be warned, should the time come when your work suffers, you will pay for the request the two of you are asking of the Council today.”
We left hearing the warning and knew the consequences, but we felt it was the proper thing for the two of us. Kalani wanted to be a mother and I wanted to be a father. We knew if this worked, marriage would be soon. Since she still wanted to work the Pacific Rim and I had been working mostly in the United States and Western Europe, we decided to live in California. The Council was true to their word and it was easier to see each other more often. We had more time to see each other during our breaks. On rare occasions, we even worked the same cities. After a year of working this way, we decided to marry.
We had a small ceremony in Greece. My parents, as well as Kalani’s were in attendance. Kono, her uncle joined us, as did some on the Council and Magister Verax, who instructed both of us as children. There were a few others, who were friends of our parents, who were like us, but the crowd was less than fifteen people. A Council member married us. We had a small dinner party for our guests later in the evening.
As the evening ended, I realized I hadn't seen my mother at her table next to my father for an extended time. I went and asked my father if everything was ok. He assured me that my mother was fine. He said she went out for some fresh air.
I walked outside to see if I could f
ind her. She was talking with a man, who covered his face. When I approached them, the man quickly scurried off.
“Who was that man mother and what did he want with you?”
“It’s perfectly fine, dear. He's an old family friend, who reminded me that it was your destiny to marry Kalani.”
“What the heck does that mean? Where did he come from?”
“Caeles, my dear boy, we all have our paths in life. I don't think you know where yours is going to take you yet. I knew mine at an early age. It was to be with your father. Part of yours is to spend the remainder of your years on earth with your new wife. However, as my friend reminded me, yours is so much more.”
“Oh, so now you, and some white haired guy, who pops in and out of life and now some stranger knows my destiny. Why are you all hiding it from me? Will someone please tell me what is going on here, Mother?"
“There are things that just happen in life. When they happen to you, then you will seek and find your destiny. For now, be happy, enjoy your new bride, raise a family, be who you are. One day your destiny will appear.”
“Have you hit the wine too much, Mom? I mean seriously, I know we are in Greece and if you look into the distance, you can see The Parthenon, but you are not Socrates and I am in no mood to play this game. Come inside and sit down, I think the wine has gone to your head.”
“I have never felt better and you should not talk to your mother this way. I don’t care if you think you are a big shot now because you have taken so many souls. That was never the story you were to write.”
“I really think you and the old white haired dude need to quit with all of this destiny nonsense. Now please, let me enjoy one day without thinking about taking someone’s soul or my destiny. I want to have a dance or two with my wife and retire to our honeymoon suite. You can go talk with dad about all your philosophies and my destiny.”
“Your father knows too. I don’t need to tell him. It's why he was my destiny and Kalani is yours in marriage.”
“Ok, Mom, whatever. Can we please, go inside and enjoy what remains of the party?”
As I turned, my new bride was standing a few feet away with a smirk on her face.
“I turn my back for five minutes and my husband runs away? What happened, you saw some hot looking Greek Goddess outside and figured you would have one last fling?"
“I wish it were that easy, and I never did flings. No, my mother was talking with some strange man outside, then immediately started mumbling on about my destiny. My destiny is to put a smile on my beautiful wife’s face.”
“You sometimes say some pretty dumb things, my dear husband, but that time you sounded pretty smart.”
It was bad enough when I was single, now I know I have no chance at the last word.
After the evening, we all went our separate ways. Kalani and I went back to California and continued our careers in taking souls. To me, it was becoming more of a chore than something I had trained for all my life. I had become so much better at taking them quickly as had Kalani, but I also felt an emptiness creep inside me.
I would talk about it with my wife, but to her she saw it as an opportunity to secure the future of our race and was honored to do so. I felt the same way most days, but also knew at times, some we took from might not be suitable candidates.
“Cale the Council has a very difficult job," Kalani said. "I don't think you have given them enough credit for what they do. Since the balance of our kind has shifted from more people not having the power to steal, than the ones like us who can, we have to work harder each day to maintain our race. I know the Council is only looking out for our best interest when they assign our missions. I will be a mother soon and you a father. It will be one more added responsibility for you once I have our child. I know I will need some time off to be a mother. Look on the bright side of me being away, you can actually steal more souls than me. Well, maybe for one year.”
There were days I questioned why I married her. Good thing I rarely felt compelled to need the last word.