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Soul Intentions Page 16

“Hello, Mr. James. I'm Doctor Summers. I'll be overseeing your mental health here in our facility. Please tell me a little bit about your background and why you are here.”

  “Why, you can’t read it all on that chart of yours?” the rock and roll star said.

  “Mr. James, I am here to help you. Actually, I don’t need a chart to notice you think something has been lost in your life, but I can assure you it is not.”

  “Yeah, and what is it that you think I am missing there, Doc?”

  “In time, I will be happy to render my opinion, but we have a lot of work to do. In speaking with your wife and friend Gordy, some around you have suggested maybe you have lost your way, even your soul. I am here to assure you it is not possible, despite what others might suggest. Injuries like yours manifest themselves in many different ways, like your current anger issues. My job is to assist you in understanding where your anger is coming from and in time release it.”

  “Oh really. So in thirty seconds after walking in here, you think you know what my trauma is and now you can mark that pretty chart of yours and go off spewing your medical garbage to the next person eh, Doc?”

  “Mr. James, may I call you Dylan perhaps?”

  “You can call me whatever you like, people have called me far worse lately, broken down guitar player, bad father, bad husband, terrible friend. You name it.”

  “Well, Dylan, I am not here to call you names or accuse you of being a bad anything. I am here to help you recognize why you are having a difficult time returning to your former life. My job is to make that as painless as possible. However you must open your mind to our sessions.”

  “I’ll sit here and listen, because if I don’t my wife will take my kids and leave me. But I don’t have to open up my mind to jack shit.”

  Pretending to be a therapist was new to me. I had to be careful not to blow my cover. There was a glass window where I could see through and speakers to hear every word. Dylan James was my latest target, but he was not a bad person. He was an angry one. My ability to see into others souls was now growing and in looking into his, I saw his anger raging, but not evil. This surely was not a candidate to lose his soul. I watched and listened for the remainder of his thirty-minute session. Unless I was missing something, I could not steal from this man.

  I followed him to his home. His wife had driven him to the therapy center and as they were leaving, I noticed his limp. There were still visual and mental signs from his accident. Not being a trained mental health person, I would think trauma like he suffered would lead to anger in some cases, but I thought the Council was really overreaching in Dylan’s case.

  “Council Members, I am here to ask you to take a second look into my subject’s soul. I have done so as well. I see anger, but nothing more. There must be better targets on your list. This man has a wife and children. He has not hurt anyone, other than himself. I would think with proper therapy he can turn his life back around.”

  Elder Orcus exploded from the dais. “How many times do you think you can question our decisions before you end up staying in this compound forever? Everyone on our list is there for a reason. Your responsibility is to steal, not to question our authority."

  I then realized I let something slip. Orcus didn't miss it.

  "Why do you think you can see into someone’s soul? Is this even more lunacy from your mouth that needs to be punished? There are six, and six alone who can see into a soul on this earth. You might think you have the ability, but make no mistake, you do not.”

  “With all due respect, if one of you were to die, would you not need someone else to have that ability to join the Council? Where would they come from? How can you say it is impossible, yet all of you have the power? It must come from somewhere does it not?”

  I watched as the six men huddled together and then retook their seats.

  “If it were prudent for you to understand and know those answers, we would tell you," Orcus said, "but it's not. Now we strongly suggest you watch your tongue. I can assure you it's your imagination gone wild and your desire to believe this man isn't a candidate that makes you believe you have the power. Now, you can either take the man’s soul or call your wife and inform her that you will be spending time with us on an extended book reading in the library. I'm sure you've not forgotten how much you enjoyed your last extended visit.”

  “I have another option as well, one that you, Elder Orcus told me about years ago. I have free will to resign.”

  “Caeles, you're a father now, and a husband. You have responsibilities to your family and to all of us. We are depleted within the ranks of soul stealers and you know it. If not for that fact, you disobedience would have been punished. Your years of constant insubordination will end. You have become one of our best remaining agents in the field. I can't allow you to just walk away. Yes, you have free will, but you also must suffer the consequences of your decisions.”

  “What would I suffer from? Spending even more time with my wife and son and live a peaceful life without trotting across the globe? Then feeling that every time I take from someone like Dylan James, I lose a part of my own soul. Tell me, Elder Orcus, what is it you think you can do to make me continue?”

  “You really are a foolish one. For all your abilities, you think you have always been the one in control of your own destiny, when it was this Council all along pushing and prodding you. Do not dare stand before us and declare your independence from your kind with your free will. You will go back to your subject, you will steal his soul, and you will do it soon. That is your destiny. I don’t care if you believe it was done using your free will or not.”

  “I find it very odd that everyone seems to know or deems to have created my destiny for me. However, the longer you sit behind that dais and tell me what my destiny is, the more I reject your words. I quit!”

  I began walking for the large marble doors when I heard Orcus speak behind me.

  "Caeles Novo, you have left us with few options. It is the ruling of this Council that should you decide to leave the ranks of soul stealer, this will be the last day your son retains his soul. If you insist on rambling on about how this Council doesn't know your destiny, we will add your mother, your father, whoever else we deem necessary for you to understand that yes, you have your free will, but it comes at a price. Now leave this area immediately before you anger us further. Go take Dylan James’ soul before we take one to compensate for what you think is your free will and the stupid notion that you could ever quit.”

  I dragged myself home. As expected, my wife had little sympathy for the position.

  “We have gone over this so many times, Cale. Take the soul and go. Would you rather a total stranger keep his soul than your own child?”

  “Of course not, and you know that's not my issue. However, I do see a pattern, for every three souls we take, one of them does not seem right to me. I mean this man is pissed at the world because he can’t play his music right now and he does not understand why. He is pissed at God and his world. So what? If every time someone was pissed at the world and we swooped in and took their soul, humans with souls would be a small population on earth now wouldn’t they? Dylan does not deserve to have his soul taken. It will only spiral him into a deeper depression and ruin not only his life but his wife and children’s as well. Do you not care that we take without any real cause?”

  “Cale, I can't worry for every lost soul in this world. I'm a mother, a wife, and soon I'll be back working my missions again. All I know is that if my son loses his soul to the Council because you won’t do what is expected of us, I will never forgive you.”

  “Kalani, something is not adding up here. Why is it that so many of our kind either can’t steal or refuse to steal, which only makes it harder for the likes of you and I to live our lives? For every one of us, there are fifty, who cannot steal. I know some try and fail. I know all of it. However, is the Council insisting we remove marginal souls, in order to keep others properly nourished?”

bsp; Kalani crossed her arms and gave me her evil stare. “Cale, you have a mission. I love seeing you. I love when you are home, but we have our own race to protect. I don’t care about, who is marginal and who is not. I get my orders and I execute them. Go do your mission and protect this family. Keep in mind that all those others, who don’t steal for whatever reason, including our own parents, they support us with a very hefty wage. How could we fly around the world, take nice vacations, and live in this home, if they didn't appreciate our powers and work to support us. Each side benefits from what we do and you know it. I have to believe that we're creatures, guided by truth, doing what was ordained centuries ago. If I can't hold on that belief, then I have nothing.”

  “Nothing? You have nothing without the Council and our laws? What about me and our son?”

  “Stop it. You know what I mean, now go take the man’s soul and let’s go on one last trip before I have to go back to work.”

  I headed back to North Carolina where Dylan James resided and followed him for several few days. I could still see the anger, but I also think it was the fear of the unknown for him. He was struggling with who he was as a person. He believed he knew his destiny. When he realized maybe he was wrong, he became confused and angry. He wasn't unlike many others, who think they know what their life is all about. His destiny changed from his expectations, so it was easy for him to become disillusioned. Maybe that’s why I never became angry at the world, only people. I knew as a young child, my mission was to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, but if it turned out I could not steal, I would find another calling. Maybe it is because I never worried about my destiny from day to day. I lived my life and allowed destiny find me.

  One day, as Dylan was leaving his therapy session, I asked if I could take his photo as a fan of the band. His wife was with him.

  “I'm not really in the mood to stop for a photo, besides the nurse inside probably told you who I am. She has a big mouth you know. She has asked me to sign so many photos and record albums for her, it gets ridiculous.”

  His pretty wife jumped into the conversation, “Dylan, the man asked politely for a photo, we have the time.”

  “Yeah sure, you can take my photo, but under one condition. This pretty lady next to me, tell me, who she is and what instrument she plays? If you can do that, you can take both of our photos, not just mine. After all, she played with some of the finest orchestras in the world. Me, I'm a sad excuse for a bandleader and guitar player. It’s her photo you should want, not mine. So go ahead, tell me hot shot, who is this beautiful woman next to me and what instrument does she play? We'll see if you are really a fan or just wanting a picture for a magazine to show how pathetic I am now.”

  “Mr. James, I don’t want a photo of you and her, only you. However, the lovely lady is your wife Elise, and she is a wonderful violinist. I don’t want a photo of you with her, only yours. I know this is going to sound wrong, but she does not deserve to be in a photo with you today.”

  “Get out of here then," Dylan snapped. "If you can’t take a photo of the two of us, you can’t have mine. Let’s go Elise.”

  I could have snapped the photo as he was getting into the car. It would have been simple, clean, but the love she had for him in her eyes, there was no way I could steal from him at that moment. I would wait for another day.

  The Council wasn't happy with the delay, and neither was Kalani. “Take the photo, Cale, please, come home. I miss you, as does your son, Nick. Who knows how long Orcus will be patient. This is not a difficult assignment for you. The man has the same routine almost daily and can barely walk to the car. He has no security and is at the therapy center almost daily. Finish this and stop second guessing all of the Council’s decisions.”

  I called my father for some guidance and he told me about some of the people he had met as soul stealers. The one thing they all had in common was they all did their jobs without questioning authority. Their mental makeup was more of a paid killer. They didn't know the word remorse. It seems at times, I could be that way, but with Dylan, I knew it was wrong. However, even my father told me to finish the job and go home.

  The next day when Dylan arrived for his therapy session, I went inside again posing as a therapist in training. I watched as his wife carefully assisted him out of the car and into the building. I knew this was more than taking a soul. I was taking a father and husband, but it was my mission. I muttered to myself to take the damn photo, as I watched him from behind the glass window in his therapy session.

  As I readied my camera, I could feel someone standing behind me. I turned and could see Dylan’s wife looking at me with her sad eyes.

  “I'm sorry for my husband’s outburst the other day. He was in a terrible accident. He's now struggling to find himself. He's a good person with a big heart. I know it was in the news about his work supporting the troops, but not many know how much he did behind the scenes. How many times he went places like this one, with his guitar and play for hours, his only pay being smiles on an otherwise broken face. If you wait around today, I'm sure I can get him to give you your photo. I will even take it for you and you can be in the photo with him if you like. I have great faith he will be the person he was again, but for now, all I can do is love him, and wait until the real Stu returns to me. Please don’t judge my husband by what you see now, he really is a good man.”

  “I know you are right. Mrs. James. I can’t say I'm a big fan, but before I got into this line of work, I too dabbled in the music industry. I have an appreciation for how much musicians sacrifice to entertain others. If I could take a photo and bring him back to you again, I would. I am a new father with a beautiful wife. I don’t know what I would do without them in my life, so I don’t envy you and the pain you are suffering. As silly as it sounds, I know your husband has a good soul, I have seen it. His soul can be restored to all its glory. It is only broken right now. I give you my word, if it is ever possible for me to help restore Dylan’s soul I will. I won’t bother him outside for a photo. I suspect he is going to need some extra rest tonight. Watch over him.”

  “Thank you, I'm going to get something to drink, would you like me to get you something?”

  “No, thank you," I said. "I am about to leave, but I promise if the day ever arrives that I can restore him to you, I will.”

  With a heavy heart and much remorse, I quietly raised my camera and snapped the photo through the glass. At first, I wasn't sure it worked. I didn't see any difference in his outward appearance or speech patterns. After a few moments, I felt the surge. I knew it had worked. I sat in a chair trying not to arouse unwanted attention.

  “Are you ok? Can I get you anything?”

  “No, Mrs. James. Thank you, I’ll be fine. I have been working double shifts this week and I think it caught up with me for a few moments.”

  “Dylan will be finished in a few minutes if you still would like that photo?”

  “No, I should have been more understanding of what the two of you are going through right now and not asked for a photo.”

  “Oh don’t worry. He is asked all the time. He was just being a cranky jerk the other day. He has his moods, but today he was much better. Please, let me introduce you, while his mood is on the uptick.”

  “I am late for another appointment, Mrs. James. I do wish you all the best.”

  I left the facility, filed my report with the Council and headed home. I boarded the plane and within a few moments, I fell asleep and started to dream. In my dream, there was a man, the same white haired man telling me about how I could obtain the power to restore Dylan’s soul. It felt so real, more as if the older man was sitting next to me on the plane and we were having a real conversation.

  “Caeles, I know I have told you before, but it is now time for you to believe that you can obtain the power not only to steal but to restore. I know you looked in the books in the library. The truth is in there. The doctor knows the truth. He is afraid to tell others, but he knows hi
s destiny was always to protect the truth. Go to him and ask. There you will discover your destiny.”

  “Look dude, my destiny is to steal. It has always been my destiny.”

  “Caeles, we've met before on the wharf and other places, and I've told you my name is Mikael Sano, so please don’t call me dude. I watch over you, as I have others for centuries. I admit I don't predict or see into the future, but I do know what has been written. If you don’t believe me ask Magister Verax, or your mother. Now wake up, the plane has landed.”

  I woke to the hustle and bustle of people collecting their bags from the overhead bins. As my eyes opened wide, I could see someone who looked exactly like Mikael Sano leaving the plane. I jumped up from my seat and tried to leave to find him, but by the time I could weave my way through the crowd, he was gone.

  CHAPTER Sixteen